Downtown Smithfield – The Downtown Smithfield Development Corporation and River City Art Gallery will host its 1st Annual Gingerbread House Competition to be held during the 2008 Christmas season. The DSDC hopes the public will embrace this opportunity to express their creativity and enter the competition, as well as invite visitors from throughout the Triangle to come to the newly opened River City Arts Gallery, located at 109 South Third Street, to view the assortment of Gingerbread Houses, as well as other art on display in the gallery. “We extend this opportunity throughout the Johnston County community and the Triangle region to artists, chefs, cake decorators and anyone interested in designing a Gingerbread House and entering it in our competition,” said Chris Johnson, Executive Director of the Downtown Smithfield Development Corporation. “We are offering prizes for the winners, as well as a chance for the public to come to the newly opened River City Arts Gallery to view these creations and also experience the magic of the holiday season here in Downtown Smithfield.” Competition rules and entry forms can be downloaded by visiting and click under the gingerbread house logo. The cost to enter the competition is $5 for Adults and Teens, and is free for youth. The event is open to anyone wishing to participate. The River City Arts welcomes "professionals" to enter gingerbread houses priced to sell for exhibit only, however these houses will not be included in the contest. “River City Arts is pleased to partner with and host Downtown Smithfield’s Gingerbread House Competition. It’s a fun event for every age and I'm looking forward to seeing just how "artistic" the Gingerbread Houses will be,” states Kirk Adam, Curator of River City Arts. The Gingerbread Houses will be on display at the River City Arts Gallery for public viewing from December 12th through December 21st. There is no cost to view the gallery. The Downtown Smithfield Development Corporation also offers several special events during the holiday season including tree lighting, Christmas Parade, and evening carriage rides in historic downtown Smithfield. Various merchants will have special events and extended shopping hours as well. For a complete calendar of events, visit or call 919-934-0887. For information on River City Arts, please visit -END-
Our family did it's first gingerbread house last year and had a blast! It was just for fun, and we can't wait to do another one this year! We talked about having a contest like this at our annual Xmas party (I think that would be fun!), but due to the "recession" we're in, we've decided not to have a party. :cry::cry: And I don't want to talk about it.
we have been doing this in our house for 15 years, but just the few past years me and my sister are really getting good and competitive lol. Now that I have been doing cakes for awhile now I have a few things that I can do that she can't do..I'm not allowed to use my cake decorating tools, lol I wish I took a picture of my house last year, it was good..had a train going around the house too. It's so much fun and a good way to spend time with your family. Sheri