So I should be at least excited about what just happend from a historic point of view. I am a history fiend and I know that what just happend is historic, but I am not happy. We as Americans have just elected a man to office that is about as qualified to run the country as I am. Ok I will give him he has a law degree but past that he is not much better suited than I am. He has zero military experince(Oh hey I was in the Navy... one point for me) past watching Full Metal Jacket and Platoon. I think I might have been to more places on the globe than he has, and well his economic policy has been tried before, Jimmy Carter did it in the late 70's and well that was a big bust then too. So where does that leave me? I am not sure. There were a lot more people voting this year and that is a great thing, however that showed a whole new problem. There were a lot of people voting this year based purely on race. (A lot of people voted for Change. I swear if one more person said change I was going to punch them in the face. What would you like to change. Could you hear the crickets? I could. Or there would be the I want there to be change. Ok what kind of change? You know change. Yeah yeah I know change but what do you want to be changed?? You know the stuff that needs changing... You know what what, never mind. By the way if this whole being President thing doesn't work out Mr. Obama would be great in a advertising agency or PR firm.) Another great thing about America is your vote counts even if, it is for the wrong reasons your vote still counts. Many people who have never thought about casting ballot stood in line to cast one this year, and to that I say thank you. I just wish that more people understood more of the issues than "he ain't Bush" "he'll look out for me" " they been in power 8 years". Yeah Bush has been President for 8 years but Congress, and Senate have been Dem controlled for at least half of that time. President Bush has one vote, Senate and Congress have 102 and 400+. If what they were pushing was that good they could have over ridden any veto that the President passed down, but they didn't over ride many vetos, so shame on the them. Please go back and and look at a civics book people, the President is only 1/3 of the power. Nice job media on reminding people of that, instead you just fed the fears, yeah unbiased media my a$$. Before anyone screams I didn't want a black man as President, I just need to say not true. I will say that I didn't want Obama as President. So I guess it would be fair to say I didn't want that black man to be President. If Gen. Colin Powell had ran I would have gladly voted for him but he chose not to run. My first choice from the Republicans that did run was Guliani, and I still think he will make a great President. The next four years are going to be historic, and I hope Mr. Obama proves me wrong. I hope that he finds a way to make Americans be proud to be American again. Because right now I feel that too many Americans are not proud. Today I wake up knowing that the world played too big a part in us electing our President. We are Americans! We stand up to the rest of the world because we can and we do the right thing. We should never let the world help choose our leaders. It shouldn't matter what England, Germany, Russia, and esp. anybody in the middle east thinks of us. So in 79 days Mr. Obama gets his turn at being the President. I think we are in for a bumpy trip. God Bless America!!!!!!!
I have news for you...Guliani never served in the military either. In fact, he received two draft deferments because of law school and work for a federal judge even though he was eligible for the draft.
Couldn't have said it any better!!!!:hurray: It will be an interesting 4 years, but all I can do now is try to think positive at this point.
No problem. I just saw that one of the reasons you did not vote for Obama flew in the face of your choice of Guliani.