Golf & Hobby/ train shops or shows-???

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Abdulina, Oct 27, 2008.

  1. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Okay, my parents are coming for a visit on Nov. 7th(friday). They will be arriving in the late afternoon and staying until that MOnday morning. My dad is NOT the shopping type and tries to get away from the "girls" and shopping--LOL. He is an avid golfer and would golf in a hurricane I feel. He's played Neuse course and forget which other ones around here. Anyone recommend any courses? My husband does not golf and neither do I. My dad brings his own clubs and all that stuff everywhere so not a problem w/ that. Just need some suggestions on courses to try. Thanks.

    Also, my dad is a huge train collector. I won't even tell you all what he has. Put it this way, if he sold it, he could probably send most ours to college--LOL. He's been collecting since he was a kid. Has an elaborate set up he built in his basement, and the whole 9 yards. Has mostly Lionel but also LGB's and forget what else. He loves to check out new hobby shops that sell trains or attend train shows. Usually, comes home w/ an engine or two--LOL. So, anyone else on here collect trains and know where to direct me to tell him to go? When I say serious train collector, I'm not kidding. Wish I had pictures to show you all. He even enjoys going to look at others colletions. It's crazy. He turns into a kid again. Marine for 28 years and still plays w/ trains--LOL. Okay, I'm glad he doesn't read these forums or I'd be in trouble now. Anyhow, just point me in a good diretion for train shops/ hobby shops/ etc. He doesn't really care about the drive. He commutes now for his work. No big deal for him. As long as he doesn't have to shop w/the women here, he's good. So anything that is in town or where I can look to find what shows are happening that weekend, let me know. It would have to be on Saturday, Nov. 8th or Sunday the 9th. Thanks for your help.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  2. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    Can't help with the golf, but I know of two train shops, one is off Buck Jones Rd in Cary on the other side of Burlington Coat Factory. The second is in Wendell. Will try to get an address for this one.
  3. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    .lol...he sounds like my previous roommates father about the trains!!! When they came down for a visit he always went out to Todd's Trains in Wendell or Zebulon, that would be good for him to go to..I'll see if I can find you a link.
  4. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    Thats it Todd Trains in Wendell!
  5. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    used to be a guy out at the Flea Market with trains and collectibles....could take the whole family to the flea market too. :mrgreen:
  6. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

  7. wake forest

    TRain buddy
    1200 Jenkins road

    in Wendell there is
    Tood's Train Depot
    3169 Wendell Blvd

    i also know there is a toy train store in cary in the shopping plaza where Burlington coats is. I think its called Tom's trains

    Yea i am a toy train collector from way back. I collect and read up on S gauge trains
  8. seabee

    seabee Guest


    depending on affordability

    Reedy Creek off 210 is real nice and very good price
    River Ridge off Auburn-Knightdale road, Excellent but pricey, strict dress code
    Pine Hollow off E garner rd decent course a little pricey for what you get
    Eagle Ridge- old stage rd- really nice not to pricey.

    Also at Dick's they carry a paper called Golf today and they have good coupons and other course locations with a general map.

    If he wanted to do Pinehurst there are so many courses down there that are excellent and priced very good during week, and not to far away, about an hour.
  9. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    You guys are awesome! Those train shops sound great. I actually think he's bought stuff in the Wendell one before.

    The golfing will be good too. I have an appt. tomorrow at White Oak area and will pick up that Golf Today paper someone suggested. Money isn't an object for them anymore so anywhere to play is great. And thanks seebee for the suggestions. I was wondering about Eagle Ridge one myself. There is one right down the road on Cornwallis. It has such a small sign that I'm wondering how the place is. It is near that boarding kennel for animals. Near Independence court where they have just like 4 to 5 houses back there and that's it. Anyone ever play there? Just curious as to how that course was. I usually let him figure it out but thought I'd give him some suggestions this time from other local golfers. He's just happy that he's on the course and not at work--LOL.

    Keep the suggestions coming! The hobby train shops are great and I know he'll hit a few, if not all. Thanks again guys.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  10. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    Stephanie, the one you are talking about is Meadowwood or something like that I believe. It is definately inexpensive ($10-$20 I believe), my hubby takes my 3 year old there to play as he is now into playing golf. If you dad is an avid golfer I wouldn't really recommend it, it is a great place to practice though. From what hubby says the greens leave a bit to be desired and it is only 9 holes. Like I said he loves taking our son there though!
  11. TheSantaFeMan

    TheSantaFeMan Active Member

    Gotta' to Wilson!

    The Antique Barn in Wilson is THE PLACE to go! . It is huge! I do shop at the other local stores but the Antique Barn is the railroader's mecca. Huge selection of trains in all scales. The Wilson Area Railroad Modelers, Inc. (WARM) has a 20 foot x 120 foot train layout on display on the second floor of the showroom open until 4pm on Saturday's. The track system is a double track main line and has approximately 7.5 scale miles of track in HO scale. The trains travel for 465 feet through various scenes including a sea-port, industrial areas, airport, power plant, trestles, oil refinery, logging camp, and mountains. Just past the Barn is Bill's Barbecue, a great place to eat some good easterern NC barbecue.
  12. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    Reedy Creek is running some specials right now and starting Nov. 1 they are doing thier winter rates.
    River Ridge is a excellant course but as stated it very costly.
    Pine Hollow is a great course for the area and usually cheaper than River Ridge and Eagle Ridge.
    Eagle Ridge tough course layout, usually kept in great shape, but costly.
    Riverwood ok course, which offers 3 totally different 9 hole layouts. usually inexspensive ($25-$30 after either noon or 1 pm on the weekends.
    RGA Long time muni course that is usually in decent shape considering it is a muni.

    Those are the closest though far from all of the courses in the area, and if you are willing to travel a bit, Wedgewood in Wilson is a stellar muni course.

  13. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    thanks Craig! Perfect places everyone. I think the Antique barn and all the golf courses will sure be a hit. Thanks again.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  14. myopinion

    myopinion Well-Known Member

    This is by far the best around and is a short comfortable drive...the owner's are the nicest people you'll ever meet ! It's not far off I-95 so they have people going on trips that plan this as one of their stops on their way thru NC.....A MUST see to believe !
  15. seabee

    seabee Guest

    most also carry senior rates if he qualifies. I do enjoy Reedy Creek every time I play it. Very very good for the price.

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