Does anyone have a recommendation of a place to get a good massage around the 4042 area without having to go to one the expensive Raleigh spas. Thanks!
My husband went to the new Radiance Spa at the Food Lion plaza and said it was good. I don't think it was great, but he enjoyed it. Not sure how the prices are...
Here is a link to the last Thread on this subject: Click on the "Search" tab above and type in what you are looking for and you might find that we have already covered some questions. Have fun! Grace
Crossroads Chiro at 210 has a new massage therapist. Not sure what her prices are nor have I tried her yet.
Massage Call Sunshine Health in Clayton NC, there number is on the 4042 business directory and ask for a massage from Lee. She is wonderful.
Do any of these places do the pregnancy message with the pregnanct table??? LOL I need a hole in the table for my tummy and want a massage for my birthday!!
I don't know about that...but I did one when I was pregnant a few years ago, and it was AWESOME! It wasn't local though, sorry about that.
The Spa by Mitchell's in Cary Town Center does pregnancy massages. Going to get mine this weekend. WOOHOO! There is also Andrea and Company on 50 past 210 that does massages. I have never used their massage services, so I can't comment and I don't know if they do pregnancy massages or not.
I generally go to Skin Sense when I am not pregnant but I was hoping there may be a close closer to home so that maybe I could sneak in 2 before the delivery! LOL :lol:
Oh, yes mam.....I know and I am so excited about going too!!! I sent the link a few days ago to my hubby so that he can get that for me on my bday! ha ha ha YEAH ME!!! Can not wait!! I like the Cary Skin Sense better than Raleigh - Brier Creek though!