So I need to be in Raleigh in a few weeks and I saw the local pizza thread. I mean everyone knows the only place for real pizza is New York. Anyway I need a good place to eat in Raleigh or out Johnston County way. Can anyone recommend a good place for lunch. I do not like southern food and it has to be some place that has a little privacy. Any recommendations?
Some of my workers have talked about that place. That will not work for this luncheon though. I need something like Le Jardin du Roi His Vegetarian Burger is simply amazing!
First Choice - Excellent Restaurant and Very private seating: Casa Carbone Italian 6019-A Glenwood Ave Oak ParkShoppingCenter Raleigh, NC 27612-2601 Tel: (919) 781-8750 Second Choice La Piazza, Middle Creek Commons, 7277 NC-42, Raleigh, NC 27603 Phone:(919) 662-5007 (This is in 40/42 area. Actually at Hwy 42 W and Hwy 50.)
Thanks for the great call! I will get my staff right on that. From what I hear Rev. Barber likes Italian food!