Good Place to Eat

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by HillaryRodham, Jul 8, 2015.

  1. HillaryRodham

    HillaryRodham Member

    So I need to be in Raleigh in a few weeks and I saw the local pizza thread. I mean everyone knows the only place for real pizza is New York.

    Anyway I need a good place to eat in Raleigh or out Johnston County way. Can anyone recommend a good place for lunch. I do not like southern food and it has to be some place that has a little privacy.

    Any recommendations?
  2. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    Maybe someone can tell you where Chipotle is. That seems to be up your alley.
  3. HillaryRodham

    HillaryRodham Member

    Some of my workers have talked about that place. That will not work for this luncheon though. I need something like Le Jardin du Roi

    His Vegetarian Burger is simply amazing!
  4. bosoxfan

    bosoxfan Well-Known Member

    Yeah - stay in New York.
    michelle likes this.
  5. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    LOL. That and Johnston county goes together as well as You and Vince Foster.
  6. cynadon

    cynadon Well-Known Member

    stephenson's bbq
  7. PoohBear

    PoohBear Well-Known Member

    First Choice - Excellent Restaurant and Very private seating:
    Casa Carbone Italian
    6019-A Glenwood Ave
    Oak ParkShoppingCenter
    Raleigh, NC 27612-2601
    Tel: (919) 781-8750

    Second Choice
    La Piazza, Middle Creek Commons, 7277 NC-42, Raleigh, NC 27603
    Phone:(919) 662-5007
    (This is in 40/42 area. Actually at Hwy 42 W and Hwy 50.)
  8. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    Yeah.. you probably want to look for something in Chapel Hill.
  9. molly2008

    molly2008 Well-Known Member

    Who forgot to shut the gate? The trolls are on the loose again. :rolleyes:
    Hught likes this.
  10. HillaryRodham

    HillaryRodham Member

    Thanks for the great call! I will get my staff right on that. From what I hear Rev. Barber likes Italian food!
  11. PoohBear

    PoohBear Well-Known Member

    You better check this out. Private booths. Rev. Barber will not fit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    dgsatman likes this.

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