My son really wants to go fishing (13 y/o) we are not the patient fishing type. LOL But I would love to take him and a few friends fishing as part of his upcoming birthday plans. Is there a local (or somewhat local) place anyone recommends where he can actually catch fish? I would really like a place that rents equipment so we dont have to go buy everything for a one time thing. I dont mind an hour or so drive, but cant afford to rent one of those big boats for a day either. :lol::lol: I am just very fishing inexperienced! Help! TIA!
We went to a place in Holly Springs a few times last year. I can't remember the name of the place but if it comes to me I will let you know.
Thanks!! I saw those, but I was hoping for a place that rents equipment. ShrtnSwt I will look into that one! They say they have fishing equipment for kids and you can rent a boat, may just be the ticket!!! Thanks.
Contact Lake Wheeler. There is a pond at the front that is a good choice for first time fishermen, and I believe they have a loaner program for rods/reels.