Sadly, my youngest daughter just found her adorable Teddy Bear hamster dead a while ago. Poor thing. Looks to me like he bit off more than he could chew - literally. It seemed like he was trying to pass a big piece of - something? He was a big chewer - much more than the other one her sister has. I guess maybe he swallowed something too big and it messed up his insides. DD has been SO sad. :cry: She just got the little fellow for Christmas and now he's gone already. She cried and cried. I've already located another one thanks to you guys mentioning Carolina Pet Supply in another thread before. DH will be picking it up on the way home from work. I called PetSmart and they said their chain does not carry Teddy Bear hamsters. I asked why and was told that there really is no such thing as a Teddy Bear hamster:shock::? but that they are something like a product of the black bear hamster and the golden hamster or something like that and there is a "broad range" they fit into. I didn't get any of what she said:? I'm not sure she did either. Can anybody shed any light on the subject? LJK maybe?? BTW - I considered your advice on thinking before I breed and I have decided NOT to do that. Well, at least not for now. Maybe later when we have a set-up for two of the babies for each DS and homes for any other babies. Thankfully, older DD has a male and younger DD wants another male. They live in seperate cages.
Aw, poor Squiggle ... a tough life lesson, but an important one. That's definitely something hamsters are good for. I remember when Shirley ate Laverne ... (my two hamsters when I was a kid), I was devestated. Glad you've decided not to breed right now. I've been watching on craigslist and there's tons of ads for litters of hamsters, I have a feeling it's people who didnt realize what they were getting in to. *grin* I grew up with an elementary school principal behind us, so he had tons of hamsters, gerbils, turtles, snakes, fish, rabbits, rats, birds, anything he could bring for the classrooms ... and pets of their own.
Yes Elims - it is quite a life lesson. DD is all excited about a new hamster but still sad over Squiggles. We have been taking apart and cleaning the cage and disinfecting it really well today. I did a little checking and I think Squiggle possibly died from wet tail which is contageous. Don't want the new fellow to get sick. Shirley ate Laverne :shock: Well, Laverne always did treat Shirley kinda mean ya know :lol:
Thanks for asking. Yes, she did. New little fellow is adorable and his name is "Lionel". DD is very happy with him. If any of you own hamsters and don't know about "wet tail", (I didn't), here is a link for you: If not caught immediately, they will die from it in 24-48 hours :?
Yesterday, DD's fish died. She is not too sad over him though because he was really old and we were expecting it soon. If you have any pets you don't like very much, I'd be glad to let my DD pet sit for you. :lol::jester:
*snort. Funny, I was just thinking.. "maybe I should send Trixie over there, put her out of her misery"
No, she's hanging in there. She appears comfortable, but you never know. Wish she could tap out some morse code like Johnny Got His Gun.
I know Cleo, it's hard when they can't tell you how they feel. Would you believe...DD just got stung by a bee. What a week for her: Hamster dies on Tuesday, fish dies on Thursday and a bee sting on Friday. Bet she wishes the bee is dead.