Hope you don't, but I do. I have a nice little collection of the furry, flying critters living in my attic. anyone have any experiences with getting rid of them? Anyone call a pest removal pro to get rid of them? What did they do and what do they charge...this ain't gonna be fun.......thanks for any info & help.
Be careful, you can be bit by a bat without even knowing it during the night. Any bat that is in a residence should be tested for rabies just in case.
I recommend you call Brian at TruTech. They deal with unwanted wildlife like this and we were very impressed with the way our yellowjacket nest problem was handled. Here is a link to their site http://www.aaanimalcontrol.com/professional-trapper/city/NC-Smithfield.htm Ask for Brian.
As stated, bats are notorious carriers of rabies and perhaps pose the greatest transmission threat to humans.