WITH PICS... Our son graduated from BCT last week. The link below will take you to some pics of the activities. It is work safe. I hope it comes out as a hot link. I am not very savvy on this site. It was a great weekend and one I will not soon forget. http://www.kawasakimotorcycle.org/forum/off-topic/95031-gradutaion-ft-jackson-sc.html#post1405386
Thanks for the comments. He is excited and proud to be serving his country. He thanks everyone for their support. He is now in Aberdeen, MD to complete his advanced training.
You must be very proud, and well you should be. Good looking young man. Brings back fond memories. Your son must be getting some type of Ordnance training at APG. I met my wife there 39 years ago when I returned from Korea. Very fond memories. Happy Holidays