Well, it's almost time. I have been waiting for this for 13 years and it's hard to believe it's finally done and over with. It's kinda scary. Cuz I'll be moving out this summer and living with the boyfriend of 2 years....kinda scary too. I just know that I am gunna trip and fall on my face in front of all those people on friday.....any words of wisdom????
Good luck. Words of wisdom, don't live with your boyfriend. Your're so young, get an apartment with a girlfriend and enjoy your freedom.
stay home and sponge off your parents as long as possible... they'll be happy to continue to have you as a tax deduction and you can pay a token amount of rent.... forget moving in with the boyfriend....expensive.... rent a motel for the other....
I don't know you, and I'm sure you won't listen to unsolicited advice from strangers................but don't move in with the boyfriend. Especially if you want to get married in the future..........................it almost never works out the way you want. But good luck with whatever you decide to do.
Wife and I lived together for 4-5 years before we got married and we have been married now for over 5 years. So what doesn't work out? Craig
I said "almost". Can't remember the statistics right now, but living together before marriage supposedly increases the chances of getting divorced. I'm living against statistics myself, having got married at the tender age of 20 and we're still together 16 years later, so no offense intended to those who lived together prior to marriage. One size does not fit all, but she's awfully young to be living with someone. Were you a teenager or an adult, Craig? Probably has a lot to do with it. I didn't listen to people telling me not to get married so young either....................:mrgreen:
You got lucky. :lol: Wisdom?! Continue your education! Something, anything! Live at home with parents - or a girlfriend or two. Boyfriends come and go. If it's meant to be, it will be.
Don't move in with the b/f, enjoy your freedom.... Continue your education, even if you take a year off... Enjoy being young, because it only happens once... You're not gonna fall on your face.... Paint a sign on top of your hat, be different. Oh, and while we're talkin about graduation....will someone please explain to me, the concept of "announcements". You send these to people that are even going to your graduation (cuz you only have 10 tickets or whatever). Why are you announcing it? Asking for money? I don't get it.....
I've only received them from very close family friends and family members. I don't mind sending them $20 when they are getting ready to go to college! Nieces and Nephews..well they get $100
Living with your boyfriend....great future.. let's see... in a few months you'll be knocked up with a kid, the stress will get to him, he'll leave OR maybe not. he'll get to go to work (for what 7 bucks and hour?) you'll stay home all day and listen to kid. you will have very little money for food and baby stuff, let alone a decent car or nice vacation. you'll get prego again. He'll get to go out with his buds while you stay home and take care of kids. He'll leave you and kids to go have fun and experience the world...or you'll get fat and you will find that the weed and beers aren't so much fun when you have to get up to take care of kids... Maybe he'll stay and work and your butts will stay off welfare or he leaves and you are saddled with two kids, no money, no job and no education.... Live at home, go to JCCC IF HE LOVES YOU - HE would want you too - if he complains...he selfish and you don't need him - yes, you can live without him... Think about where you want to be and what you want to have in ten years.... Somehow I don't think it is living in a rented run down single wide, driving a 13 year old car and wondering how you are going to pay the light bill, let alone buy smokes.......you can still marry him and be happy but get some more education behind you. THe more you have---- the more money you can make.....
They're announcing that they're graduating from High School, college, etc. and yes, a gift is usually expected. I agree, I usually send a gift of money in a card if the person is going on to college and it's a close friend's child. Relatives usually receive more. What I don't appreciate, is receiving an announcement from a friend's child whom I have never met (the child) and haven't seen or talked to the "friend" in many years. The same applies for wedding and baby shower invitations! I have received invitations to wedding showers on numerous occasions, bought a nice gift, attended the shower and then received no invitation to the wedding. That I don't understand. It's like saying, I want you to come to my shower because I want your gift, but don't bother coming to the wedding because I don't want to feed you at the reception! Now I know there are reasons (space limitations, etc.) sometimes, but to me it's tacky to invite someone to a shower and not the wedding. I can understand the graduation invitations because most graduates are limited to the number of people who can attend, so I don't expect (or want) to attend all graduations. And don't even get me started on never receiving a thank you note for above said gifts! I may be old fashioned, but my mom taught me--and I have taught all of my children, that you always send a thank you note or card for any gift received. Okay, I'm off my soap box now!
I'm going against what everyone else says...I'm not MUCH older than you! I'm 24 if it matters. I went to off to college did the whole living with a girl thing, DIDN'T work! I hated it. I came home, STAYED IN SCHOOL, and moved in with my b/f. Found out I was prego, and worked full time to provide. We bought our own house a little more than 3 years ago, have been together for over 6 years and have a happy, healthy 4 year old little boy to show for it. If you love him, move in with him, go to school, work hard. IF you fail at something, chalk it up to life. Not many people can say that they have never failed at something. Moving in with my b/f was the best thing i ever did. It not only kept me away from a certain amount of trouble, it kept me from doing the things others my age were doing (drugs, sleeping around, running up credit cards). IF you're sure you love him, and he loves you, move in with him. No better way to get to know someone. K
I was head over heels in love with the guy I dated in high school. We dated for 3 years and I just knew I would marry him. I am so glad that I didn't put off college or move in with him! I stayed at home and went to JCC for a year. He enrolled in a couple classes as well. I moved to Greenville to finish my degree at ECU. We were done within 6 months...yes, it hurt. I realize now that he was not "the one". I am so glad that I had my own set of dreams to fulfill. I'm not telling you to break up with your guy, but live YOUR life. You only get one shot. Truly, do whats best for you. If he loves you, he will support you. Best of Luck and congrats!
I would say that no one can tell you what to do with your life, go with your gut. I chose to go off and live with Girlfriends and go to school. It was what was right for me. I had the time of my life from the time I graduated till I got married at 31!! No one can predict your future. I would say live each day to the fullest, life is soooo short and can change in a moment and always do what's right for YOU and what you do NOW, will affect you later on in life, no matter what choices you make, I promise. my 2 cents
Congrats on graduating Boots! Hard work pays off. Follow your heart and always put your feelings first! Announcements = send money please. yep, I think that just about covers it! :mrgreen:
ok, just a little heads up. I was very vague with my first post....sorry. ok here'sthe jist.... i have been dating this guy since i was 16. He's not normal for his age. He has his own house, farm, and a very very well paying job with the city of raleigh. He really wants me to go to school which i am going to become a nurse. There is no pressure from him on me to move in with him. I want to. He is going to pay all the bills and all I will have to pay is my own. He is very mature for his age, which I have to grant is from the way his parents raised him. And I am doing it during the summer on a trial basis, so if something doesnt work out I can move back home before school starts in the fall. You would have to meet him to understand. He is totally respondsible for being 21. Thanks for all the advice. Yall are always very helpful when I dont have anyone else to talk to.