Greys Anyone??

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by slater, Nov 13, 2008.

  1. slater

    slater Well-Known Member

    Does anyone else have no life and watch greys anatomy??

    If so, did any one else just cry like a baby? Is izzy going to die? I am wanting someone elses view of this!!
  2. rntobe

    rntobe Well-Known Member

    Izzy is supposed to be gone after this season. Think her seeing and touching Denny means she will die...interesting...hadn't thought of that. I was thinking that she was going crazy.
  3. wed2x

    wed2x Well-Known Member

    I live for Grey's. I guess I have no life. :lol: I thought I had read something about a brain tumor killing her off.
  4. RCARP

    RCARP Well-Known Member

    Yes, Izzy is suppose to be leaving shortly. It was such a touching show last night. Denny kept saying he was here for her, which to me makes it sound like he is waiting to take her "back" with him. So heart breaking.
  5. slater

    slater Well-Known Member

    yeaahh. Thats what i thought too. when he said im real, im here for you...i was like , "hey, shes is dying..." Then at the end, i was so scared to watch, i thought that window was going to explode or gunshots or somethgin was gonna come and get her! I was crying and freaking out all at once!
  6. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member


    I have been watching this show since it has started. I rarely miss a show.
    I have all the DVD's of each season so far. Watched them many times.

    What I know so far as far as Izzy goes is that she is leaving the show, during the summer she felt that she was to popular to stay and wanted to move on to bigger things.
    Rumor has it that she has a tumor in her head, hence the reason for her seeing Denny. What a way to do this. I'm glad to see him on there cause I miss him as well. She doesn't understand why he keeps saying "I'm here for you" I knew why he was saying it. She doesn't know she is dying yet.

    It was a good show last night with Denny on it, and fusteration as well. Be prepared to cry some more cause I'm sure this is going to be dragged out.
    But, then again I could be wrong. lol

    Now Hahn, I did miss last weeks show do to work, what happend anyways????
    Is she really gone????
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2008
  7. rjfields

    rjfields Well-Known Member

    the lady that played Hahn was let go by ABC last week. She is not coming back so they say and less and less will be said about her in the up coming shows. ABC also let go of a couple of other people from other shows that the people they played were gay and one who going to be transgender.
  8. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    So they let her go due to the fact that she plays a gay person? She isn't gay in real life.
    I guess I need to look it up then, I know I can watch the show online as well.
  9. rjfields

    rjfields Well-Known Member

    "I'm not written out," a stunned Smith told Entertainment Weekly. "My final scene is just me heading to my car."

    It's a surprise move by the formerly gay-friendly ABC, especially after Grey's creator Shonda Rhimes talked up the lesbian relationship to TV writers in July. Online chatter suggests the decision came from the network, not Rhimes, and that other gay-themed storylines have been altered or scrapped from future scripts. Say it with me: Seriously?!

    Katherine Heigl was a cake walk compared to this!

    Meantime, Mary McDonnell (Battlestar Galactica) and Melissa George (Alias) walk into that mess this month as a hot-shot cardiac surgeon and an intern, respectively. George's character, who is an old friend of Merideth's, was originally written as a love interest for Callie. Good luck with that!

    Shonda Rhimes, who must be weary of doing damage control by now (in between running two successful TV shows), released the following statement:

    "Brooke Smith was obviously not fired for playing a lesbian. Clearly it's not an issue as we have a lesbian character on the show -- Calliope Torres. Sara Ramirez is an incredible comedic and dramatic actress and we wanted to be able to play up her magic. Unfortunately, we did not find that the magic and chemistry with Brooke's character would sustain in the long run. The impact of the Callie/Erica relationship will be felt and played out in a story for Callie. I believe it belittles the relationship to simply replace Erica with 'another lesbian.' If you'll remember, Cristina mourned the loss of Burke for a full season."

    this is from
  10. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    thanks for the update!
  11. sarahmama

    sarahmama Well-Known Member

    When he said he was there for her, I knew he meant she was going to die. I hadn't heard that she was leaving, so now it makes a little more sense. I love this show!!! I did miss last week, and had no idea why Hahn was gone. I'm kind of glad, I didn't really like her myself, but she is better than the lady that took her place. She was crazy. It could be inspiring to someone with Aspberger's, but it was very strange.
  12. rjfields

    rjfields Well-Known Member

    I don't think she is staying esp since she left saying she didn't like this hospital very much at all. I guess there might be a rolling cardio thraox sp coming in every couple of shows, but we will see. I am not crazy about the new ER leader and I don't care if Izzy stays or goes.
  13. VivianS

    VivianS Well-Known Member

    OMG! So THAT is what is going on! Holy Toledo! Thank you all for discussing this, I SO wasn't thinking of it all like that. It all makes sense now. Crap, I better go stock up on tissues! I love me some Grey's! That is one of the few shows that I watch religiously.
  14. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    I don't care for him either, and he isn't even cute lol. I don't think it will hurt the show if Izzy leaves, so I'm not worried about that.
  15. Pickle

    Pickle Well-Known Member

    Yeah, Izzy used to be interesting and now she is just all weepy and tortured-and not in a good way like Meredith.
  16. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    lol, true!
  17. slater

    slater Well-Known Member

    I love izzie. I will cry when/if she leaves. But that just makes the show more dramatic! LOL Thats what they are going for.
  18. slater

    slater Well-Known Member

    okay. this denny thing....????


    im so confused
  19. VivianS

    VivianS Well-Known Member

    You and me both! They made love? What the??!
  20. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    It was a good show last night I like it alot...
    Any thoughts out there?

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