Some of you may be like me and love to grill out. But I am getting tired of the usual. Chicken and Beef. Any ideas?'ll need shrimp (shelled and clean) 1 lb of bacon Teriyaki marinade kabobs or toothpicks cut the bacon strips in half (long enough to wrap around shrimp) wrap strip of bacon around shrimp place toothpick through bacon wrapped shrimp ( be sure to pierce all the way through) put in dish and pour marinade over bacon and shrimp. Let soak in fridge for at least an hour place on grill and cook until bacon is done Best Ever. We use to fix these at the Steeple Chase and they were always the first food gone. Even the kids love them!
I seen that too! They had all kinds of stuff on there! Pizza, fish ,veggies and lots more. I guess you can pretty much cook anything on a grill.
Love the Avatar Dude, I'm a computer geek so I realized what your avatar would do but I wonder how many people got "very mad" after they actually followed your instructions! I also wonder how many people followed the same steps over and over trying to make it appear. LOL! You're freakin awesome.
Funny! When I first saw that Av, I thought bout making a joke about his image being the same as my wallpaper. :mrgreen:
ServerSnapper's Avatar distracted the conversation. I've grilled chicken on top of one of those cedar planks and threw a couple slices of pineapple on top of it and it turned out really awesome. The cedar plank gave it a nice flavor too.
I like grilled corn. Still in the husk. I like cooking chops, loins, etc. The best isthe chicken breast I fix. I use a Grill oil I get from Sweden. Simply called Grill oil. Santa Ana makes it. Freaking will make your mouth spew with glee. The Oil actually traps in the flavor and moisture. So tender. But when you eat tons of it. It gets old like anything else.