Um, not for nothing dude, but the webmaster is trying to make a living too & there are these forum rules about posting you've been reminded about before. Dont know what that expensive course you took was all about, but maybe ask for a partial refund, cause it should have included how to present yourself as a professional. Saw your ad where it belongs, so you do know where to put it. I've taken a dog, actually 2 to training and five weeks is one quicky offering. Classes I was in it took the dogs 2 weeks to stop barking at each other
i used to raise fainting goats but that was 5 or 6 years ago. had to sell them all. one day ill get back into goats when i have the space
nod - I still want to meet a fainting goat someday ... I'm scared of goats in general (shh.. I didnt tell anyone that!! ) but I think they sound amusing.