Sorry just need to vent some frustration. My daughter received the package to order her graduation paraphenalia on 11/27. The company wanted payment in full (if under $80) or and $80 deposit on 12/4. I was a little irritated at the short notice of things......we didnt even know they were coming on the 27th. So I reconfigured the budget to squeek out the deposit and sent the order in with the debit card info filled in with 80.00 written in the dumb little box. Well yesterday we received in the mail one of the carbon copies of the form. The sales person took it upon himself to scratch out the 80 and put in the full amount(132.80) of the order. (of course he didnt press hard enough for this info to go through to the copy my daughter brought home on Tues.) GRRRRR. :evil: I called HJ and the sales rep hadnt turned in his stuff yet(couldn't find my order in the system) I have to wait until monday to speak to anyone. So, now the check book is screwed up. I'm afraid to buy the necessities for the week because I dont want to wrack up bounce fees. I have this emmense urge to slap a sales rep upside the head. Thanks for giving me a place to vent.
Get a note from the company stating it is their fault. We had something similiar happen with Sprint. Did a pay by phone and instead writing the amount of the bill, they wrote the #of the check instead...2600! Yep, Sprint debited $2600 from my account. Now, I worked for a mortgage company at the time and explained to Sprint to do a balance transfer, etc. --shoot, I did this stuff every single day at work w/ millions of dollars(literally)--not my money--LOL. Anyhow, Sprint has a "process" they have to do. Urghh. Took them a full WEEK to refund my money. EVerything was bouncing b/c we had no choice. But, with that note, explaining it was THEIR fault, everything was returned to us including bounced fees. Definitely get a note! Good luck and so sorry they did that too you. Take care, Stephanie--mom to 7
Yes that is against the law. It would be the same thing as a waiter giving himself an extra tip by adding a couple zeros in on the debit slip. I would not stop short of him being fired, and not sure I wouldn't press charges.
thanks all. Were definately going to get something from them in writing that it was their error not ours. I don't really think its forgery thing. The sales person didnt benefit himself and I did owe the company the total amount. The problem lies in the fact that we authorized for an $80 debit (that being the deposit they had asked for and the balance due before delivery of the stuff....should have started saving for senior year in kindergarden:shock and someone other than us decided to debit the grand total instead. I'm more concerned with the bounce fees that are going to happen as a result of this. I mean they think that everyone can crap $20 bills. I was doing good to squeek the 80 out of the budget. We shall see what happens on monday when we talk to someone in billing
I can certainly understand your frustration concerning your situation. Maybe you should look into having overdraft protection for the future, would save you from those bounced check charges. :-(