Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by harleygirl, Jun 3, 2005.

  1. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    In the classifieds there is a person giving away a 10 yr old pet due to allergies. WTF? That just burns my a$$!
    This has been, I'm assuming, a loving pet for 10 freaking years people!!!!!! Get some pills and keep your pet!

    Sorry, needed to vent!!!!!!!!!!!!! :x
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    OMG, I just saw that ad. It's not even a new baby or small child that is alergic, it's her hubby. Some people.............
  3. wolfcub

    wolfcub Well-Known Member

    In thier defense..It is possible that the person may have just recently developed allergies, that CAN happen. They may not have been allergic when they got the animal and the alergy may be severe enough that they can no longer keep the pet. Such as being diagnosed with Asthma, which can be falred up by allergies. I hate to break it to you but a "pill" will not help in these cases.

    I say kudos to them for looking for someone to take the animal rather than simply abandoning it.
  4. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    I say deal with it and takes meds or injections for allergies. How can you have an animal for 10 yrs and just get rid of it. I'm attached after 10 minutes, but that's just me. I say ouch 3 times a week so I can cuddle my babies.
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I agree PirateGirl. Getting ride of an animal after 10 years is like getting rid of a family member. I say get rid of the husband. (just joking)
  6. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    No.. sometimes a pill wont.. but a combination of methods might. I am one who does have allergies, severe enough to have asthma attacks and bronchial irritation caused by my cats (all 7 of them), and between allergy pills and an inhaler I've been able to keep my babies. Heck... I'd do the allergy shots too if I had to. I don't think I can say a day ever goes by without itchy eyes, runny nose, sneezing or a night-time bronchial irritation (because some of the cats do sleep on the bed with us at night). But, allergy pills and the albuterol (sp?) inhaler do help to keep the symptoms managable. I made a commitment to my animals whden I chose to take care of them, and unless they tell me I have life threatening symptoms that will kill me and are untreatable... I won't be giving up my babies or turning them over to anyone else as long as I am able to take care of them.

    I guess it just depends how dedicated to your animals you are... I for one am very....
  7. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    Amen! I am asthmatic also, but when I chose to adopt my babies, it was a LIFELONG commitment. Separate houses wouldn't be such as bad thing! :lol: kidding!
  8. David

    David Well-Known Member

    I have said it once, I will say it again.

    Humans > Animals

    If my Diabetic wife or my kids went sick because of allergies, buh bye, hopefully to a family that will love them as we did.

    I work in an environment where animal allergies develop in 1 out of every 3 people exposed.
  9. Animal lover

    Animal lover Well-Known Member

    How does that happen?
  10. David

    David Well-Known Member

    I don't know we were just informed in orientation that 1 of every 3 people working in animal handling will develop an allergy to that dander within 1-3 years.

    We just had 2 people leave small animal for that reason.

    (I know because, I disable their e-mail accounts.)

    Most Allergy sufferers don a respirator and continue work.
  11. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    I understand what your saying and respect your opinion, to a degree. I am making the decision for myself. I am the one who has the medical issues, not anyone else in my household (although I'm thinking my lab-mix may becoming allergic to me :)). I still make the decision to keep my babies. I have been asked what will happen when they are no longer with us...I don't know. I have thought that I probably don't need to adopt anymore, but 4-legged babies are a BIG part of my life that makes me happy. I don't think I can be without a 4-legged baby!
  12. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Different strokes for different folks. I don't think it makes any person bad, or any person superior. My cat (Sassy) is very happy at her new home, and we visit her. My son is very happy because he can breathe and is not constipated from allergy meds. I am happy too, because I saved 35.00 a month on meds that did not work anyway.

    My dog might be looking for a new home too, if he growls at my baby one more time and shows aggression. Hmmm... Disfigured baby with stitches or dog in new home without small children. It's a no-brainer for me.
  13. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    I understand. I am thrilled you found a home for it. I just wish they wouldn't take them to the shelter. There are rescue groups for cats and dogs that take animals in.
    The dog growling at the baby? Tear that ass up! (the dog I mean) You may contact Zookeeper to see if she has any tricks up her sleeve or know someone you can contact about behavorial issues with the dog?
  14. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    The last time I swatted that dog, I got a jaw clamped on my arm and my husband had to "release me". It is an 8 yo beagle with some food aggression & space aggression (where the baby is concerned).

    Some tips would be great. In the meantime, I just try to keep them seperated but baby is getting more mobile and it is too hot to stick the dog outside all the time.
  15. David

    David Well-Known Member

    8yr old Beagle < Arm Bite
    Buck Shot > Arm Bite

    Therefore using a=b and b=c so therefore a=c

    Buck shot > 8 yr old beagle
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


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