Need help from someone who knows about the xbox 360 please!! I purchased the wireless guitar for my son and cannot get it to sync up with the game unit. I've followed the directions exactly step by step and even exchanged the original one for another NEW one. They both would not sync up!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Help!!! :x Anyone? someone? PLEASE!!
If you don't get it worked out before i get off, let me know and i will get DS to walk ya through it - that kid is a whiz at anything computer or game related.
BEWARE, If this is the new Xbox360 that came out right before Christmas burn a back up of the games before playing them. I've had 3 friends who purchased all this stuff for their children at Christmas (new xbox, rockband, etc.) and the Xbox ended up damaging all of their games (burnt a circle around them). Anyway, Microsoft had them send in the Xbox's and they fixed them and sent them back, but would not replace any of the games the box destroyed.
If you are using a home router, that could be the problem. Turn off the pc in the room while you are playing the game. It should sync right up then.
:?:? Will I have to keep the router off while they are playing or just to sync the guitar up?? :neutral:
I have been wanting to play Guitar Hero. My next door neighbors have invited me over when they get back from the beach so I can play. I'm excited. Sherry
Check your procedure just to make sure. Turn on the xbox 360 console. Turn on the controller by pressing the xbox live button (looks like the xbox logo) Press the small sync button on the xbox console, the ring of lights should start to circle Press the small sync button on the controller (in the case of the wireless Les Paul, its on the bottom side of the guitar as you wear it), the ring on the controller should start to circle. The rings should circle together for a few seconds, and then begin to flash as they start pairing. a player indicator light will turn on for both the controller and console. I'm not saying you've done anything wrong, its just always best to check the little things first.
I've done it all....5,000 times over even with someone from GameStop on the phone with me. :x What happens at the end is ALL the 4 quadrants blink at the end instead of the "one" that the guitar should be assigned too.
Did you try grinder's suggestion about turning off your PC to sync? The router shouldn't be an issue as it's in a different protocol, they shouldn't be able to talk. I've never seen it, but i suppose it could work, especially if the PC has bluetooth, it might be trying to grab the controller.
Keep the router on but make sure the pc in the room is turned off. My son has a pc in his room plus his PS2 (i know its not XBOX but...)and he could not get his to connect either. The directions made mention that if it can not connect then it might be because of a router in the house. We turned of his PC and it connected just fine and we still have the router on and our other PC's working off of it. We just cant have my son's PC on and the PS2 playing GH going as well.
Well that ain't gonna work because the PC is MY WORK computer!!! I wish I could turn it off!!!!! So I guess he cannot play while I'm working?? That would suck...the whole purpose is to keep him occupied so he'll leave me along :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
If you tilt and Xbox while a game is running. It will scratch a line on the the back of the disk making it unusable. Always make sure your 360 is on a flat surface.
i would try it with just a restart first. you don't have to entirely turn the PC off while its running. Once they are paired together you shouldn't have to worry about this again. Another alternative would be to head back to gamestop (if they have them at that gamestop) and pick up a used x-plorer. its the guitar hero 2 controller, and aside from being wired, lots of players consider it to be the better controller because of the neck profile.
Sure but i would try it with your PC off just to see if it will work. Might as well scratch off as many potential problems with it that you can.
The computer or router should NOT be an issue at all. I use both and never had a problem. The last time I put new batteries into my guitar it took me a while to get it to sync. I tried for like 10 minutes before it finally worked. Seemed like I kept trying different combinations of when to push the buttons on both till it finally worked.
theoretically, you're right. but a computer with bluetooth support, and looking for devices, could pick up the controller before the xbox 360 does. Also, i suppose, it could put out interference in the 2.4Ghz band... but that would inhibit more than pairing. The controller he uses to play other 360 games, is it wired or wireless?
They are wireless and I had NO issues getting those hooked up. There are only 2 so that should leave 2 quadrants to sync too.
Acquire lawn chair & case of beer in cooler. Set above items outside away from house. Take device outside away from house right by above items. Pour gasoline on top of device. Light match and throw on device. Sit down in lawn chair and drink beer in cooler while it burns. Go back inside call device company's service & claims department. Sit on hold while continuing to drink cooler beer. Explain the "freak accident" as well as replacement and set-up of device. Try not to slur.