Someone has a deer stand in the field next to us. I did here some the other night around 7. I hope they are not spot lighting out there in that field. They would be in alot of trouble if they are.
Can't move out into the lovely countryside and then complain about what makes it country. (I've heard people here complain about the cows, farmers on tractors on the road, etc....people don't accidentally move into the country, why the surprise about the details?). I'm sure there are some lovely, gentrified neighborhoods up in Wake County that don't have those pesky hunters... Besides, I'd rather have the hunters (who are targeting deer, quail, ducks, whatever...) than the gang-kiddies who are actually targeting people (Durham and Fayetteville probably have some lovely neighborhoods where you can deal with that).
yeah.. very true. i have no problem with the hunters shooting. it is a little strange on the fourth of July and at 12am on new years day when people start firing off their guns into the sky, though. Thats pretty much an anywhere thing from what I've heard though.
EvenKeel have you called the Authorities when you hear the gunshots? Maybe they can help you out. Sure don't want to hear about someone accidentally getting shot in their livingroom while they are watching TV!
I have a friend (lives on the other side of Clayton) who takes his shotgun out and fires a few everytime that State wins... (all the re-located city folk are upset about that). My local neighbors are all big into fireworks on said holidays...the good stuff, too, not those piddly bottle rockets and smoke bombs... it's fun in our corner of 'Cleveland School' (thank God we don't have a 'homeowner's' association...busybodies usually have rules against anything remotely dangerous....
I can handle tractor-traffic and appreciate the farmers, and most things about country living. However, I did not choose to live outside the city only to hear gunshots at the crack of dawn. There are plenty of designated hunting clubs and gameland around that are not located near neighborhoods. These hunting fellas need to save up their money and go join a club where they can go wild without disturbing the peace !
I dont mind the sound of gunshots, as long as people dont mind the sound of my dogs barking at the sound of gunshots. The dogs HATE firecrackers and guns firing ... they go nuts. Terrible shame if the barking chases any deer or game away.
they were here before you, they'll still be here long after you're gone, and theres probably nothing you can do about it. in short: get over it. =P
don't hunt on your land if you dont' want to. don't let anyone else hunt on your land if you don't want them to. but don't try to tell your neighbors what they can or can't do with their land if they want to. as long as they're not breaking any laws, like riding in a pickup or spotlighting, you're out of luck. and no, there's no law against shooting near a house as long as they're not firing in your direction, and they are licensed and legal.
our property butts up to family farm -- a couple of years ago the older teens that are members of the family who own the farm were firing a high powered rifle at a hay bale -- it missed came through the woods crossed the basketball court we have in the drive, pierced the garage door and lodged itself in a box against the far wall -- had the kids been out OR had my car been in the garage at the time the story would be much different --- we don't allow hunting on our land and we don't walk the woods on our property during hunting season for fear of stray bullets -- we spoke with the family that has the farm they were very apologetic and don't shoot out there much now -- there are county ordinances about how close shooting can occur to residential areas --
My concern is twofold. Unless I am mistaken, aren't fireworks ILLEGAL in North Carolina. The law used to read that possession was prima facie evidence of breaking the law. And, your friends may think there's nothing wrong with fireworks, however, if it were a dry season and their negligence caused a fire, there would be some price to pay. Similarly, if my property were damaged by their negligence, there would be some reckoning. As for firing a weapon into the air, unless the law of gravity was recently repealed, those rounds, shot, etc, will return to earth and may pose a threat to whoever is under it when it does. The courts would probably find for a person who was injured by the firing rounds into the air. Certainly, there are more appropriate and legal ways to celebrate.
The duck hunters are probably what you're hearing although squirrel, rabbit, and quail are some of the seasons still in too, for now. Coyote and crows stay in season year round. :-D
Liability Liability Liability The more bullets that fly (they come down somewhere) , the more of a chance of injury or property damage. That time will come, and the property owner that allows hunting is liable for ANYTHING that happens on that property, right ??? I wonder if they know that ?????