Broke a hammer the other day. The wood handle snapped. I went to Lowes to buy a handle for it. Years ago I had bought a handle for another hammer I had so I figure go back and get another handle. Only to find out Lowes stopped carrying hammer handles 3-4 years ago. On my way home I stopped off at the emporium and they didn't have any hammer handles. Checked Home Depots web page to see they don't have handles. Call me old school but I can not see throwing away a perfectly good hammer head just cause a wood handle broke.
Probably cost the big box stores as much if not more to get just the handles, also I could foresee possible liability issues.
What's a cheap hammer? $10? I think my high end Bostitch all metal anti-vibe, magnetic nail starter, heavy duty hammer was $25.
Years back I had found an old sledge hammer head that the previous owner left behind. Lowes wanted to sell me a sledge hammer handle. I opted for a hammer handle and used that. Now its my own person "Thor hammer" that I call the "intiminator" Its great for small jobs that need a bit of force, Especially with rusted items. There is nothing wrong with the hammer head just needs a new handle. Was kind of looking for a fiberglass handle for it. worse comes to worse if I can not find a handle then I will break down and buy a whole new hammer. I hate throwing stuff away that can be fixed.
makes me think of a friend who was saying he had used the same ax as his grandpa. handed down since the 20's. he said he had replaced the blade 3 times and the handle twice.
Got a handle from agri supply yesterday. Paid 2.99 for it. Made of Tennessee Hicory. Put the handle on and put the wedge in. Went to pull a nail and the handle snapped. Exchanged it today for another handle but have not put it on yet. also went and got a new hammer just in cause. One with a fiberglass handle. The hammer I was replacing the handle for was given to me almost 30 years ago by my grandfather. The guy at agri supply and I were talking about hammer heads and we had both heard that the hammer heads like concrete harden more over time.