Happy Ending

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by kaci, Apr 5, 2007.

  1. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to let everyone know, the beagle got home - it was someone who lived close by.

    Also, there was another beautiful about 6mo black German Shepherd that someone evidently just dropped off here on Monday (why do people figure it is ok to just drop their unwanted pets here?). Anyone this little boy looked like he had been mistreated and was starving. We have had him in the office with us for a couple days and one of our customers fell in love, called his vet right then and there and made an appt for the puppy for this morning and took him home with him yesterday:-D Just wanted to send a big thank you out there for all the loving caring people who find a place in their heart for animals in need.

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