Went up to Milwaukee for a wedding this weekend and my wife twisted my arm to take her to the new Harley Davidson Museum. If you are a Harley nut and you get up that way you might want to check it out. Supposedly have a vehicle on display for every year in existence and even had Serial Number 1 on display. Personally the $16 fee was a little high for someone who has little fascination with these devices, but I did spend a bit of time with the Captain America recreation. My Bride shed more tears at the Museum than she did at the wedding and she has a deep affection for the new Bride.
We toured the H-D plant in York, PA a few (ok more like 10+) years ago.... I never saw so MANY bikes hanging all over the ceiling in various states - all SOLD. Every bike we saw, looked like zillions of bikes - all PRESOLD. WOW. Plus the all union labor force could NOT have moved any slower... Snails would pass this crowd... it was like everyone was in super slow motion. Very interesting factory tour.