You have got to be kidding me. What about the 2 women he raped and killed? He wasn't too fat to commit the crime. Ohhhhh, this makes me ill. Ohio inmate says he's too fat for execution COLUMBUS, Ohio — A death row inmate scheduled for execution says he's too fat to be put to death, claiming executioners would have trouble finding his veins and that his weight could diminish the effectiveness of one of the lethal injection drugs. Lawyers for Richard Cooey argue in a federal lawsuit that Cooey - 5-feet-7 and 267 pounds - had poor veins when he faced execution five years ago and the problem has been worsened by weight gain. The lawsuit, filed Friday in federal court, also says prison officials have had difficulty drawing blood from Cooey for medical procedures. Cooey, 41, is sentenced to die for raping and murdering two young women in 1986. His execution is scheduled for Oct. 14. His attorneys say a drug he is taking for migraine headaches could affect the execution process. The drug Topamax, a type of seizure medication, may have created a resistance to thiopental, the drug used to put inmates to sleep before two other lethal drugs are administered, Dr. Mark Heath, a physician hired by the Ohio Public Defender's Office, said in documents filed with the court. Heath says Cooey's weight, combined with the potential drug resistance, increases the risk he would not be properly anesthetized. "All of the experts agree if the first drug doesn't work, the execution is going to be excruciating," Cooey's public defender, Kelly Culshaw Schneider, said Monday. Prison system spokeswoman Andrea Carson and Jim Gravelle, a spokesman for the Ohio Attorney General's Office, both said Monday they hadn't seen the lawsuit and couldn't comment. Last year, Carson cited the obesity of condemned inmate Christopher Newton as one of the reasons prison officials had difficulty accessing his veins before his execution. Newton was 6 feet tall and weighed 265 pounds. Two years ago, convicted killer Jeffrey Lundgren was put to death after a federal appeals court rejected his claim that he was at greater risk of experiencing pain and suffering because he was overweight and diabetic. Here's the link... Here's another thought: What if he needed surgery? Would he be too fat for that too? Would his meds keep him from having anesthesia?
I just saw this last night, I told hd they need to take him off the Topomax. He's gonna die anyway, let him suffer a migraine or two... not like he doesn't deserve it!
Okay first take him off the topamax....what's a migraine or two or 600 for a convited rapist and murderer? Then forget the Thiopental as well....did he do anything for his victims so they wouldn't suffer? Were they given drugs to ease their pain? Sorry but my views are sometimes considered harsh, I think lethal injection is too easy anyway....they put you to sleep firstl, THEN inject the lethal medications. How many people would prefer to die peacefully in their sleep rather than in pain? I say they should keep poking at him until they find a vein!!
Sounds un-American to me. I think we sometimes get carried away with coddling, but cruel goes against our constitution.
I believe in an eye for an eye... if ofcourse it is proven without a doubt. <cue Clif for inmates rights> For damn sure he didn't show those two women any mercy when he raped and then murdered them... so why should he be shown any mercy? Rape and murder him in the same way he did the women.
Fortunately our laws are not based on biblical verses. Which also protects the individuals who you would have carry out these cruel punishments. Who would you have carry out the rape of the prisoner? And would you not also be guilty of a biblical crime than?
I've just have to wonder how he got so fat or stayed so fat in prison. Don't they have only three meals per day with measured servings?
Oh the poor, poor man...."the execution is going to be excruciating," ...WHO CARES!!! Like when he killed those women, it didn't hurt!!!!
Fortunately we live in the United States of America, so NO. To get what you want, you may want to go to a place that does not respect the value of a Human Life, even those lives that arguably don't deserve it.
Nope just don't have pitty for people who rape and kill other people. I feel thats why so many people do these crimes the punishments don't fit the crimes. Everyone wants to be pc and feel sorry for the murderers. Its a waste of my time to feel sorry for them , they feel sorry enough for themselves and have all these people talking about inmates rights. Didn't they lose their rights when found guilty? They are being caged like animals because they acted like animals. Everyone has their own oppinion and my pitty is with the victims families who lost a daughter , mother, wife or sister. How they kill him dosen't matter to me as long as they kill him.
So are you saying that they are not Human Beings? By the way it isn't my opinion, its the law of the land going back to the beginning of our government. They realized that if we acted like them we would be no better than them.
IMO its just like if you have a dog with rabies. You don't stick it in the pound with other dogs . It is dangerous so you put it down.