Head Custodians Rewarded for Sparkling Jobs

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Jun 10, 2004.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Head Custodians Hard Work Appreciated,
    Rewarded at Recent Principals' Meeting

    SMITHFIELD-- "Never give up! - The race goes not always to the swift*but to those who keep on running!" This theme adorned the certificates and plaques presented to the Johnston County Schools' Head Custodians in recognition of their respective team's work for the district's "Sparkle" program. The event took place at the June 7 Principals' meeting held at the Johnston County Board of Education building. The "Sparkle" program consists of quarterly inspections of overall cleanliness and shine of hallway and cafeteria floors, as well as restroom cleanliness. Six categories of awards were presented on various levels. Every school received recognition as listed below:

    Certificates of Achievement -

    Clayton High
    Four Oaks Elementary
    Smithfield Middle
    Smithfield-Selma High

    Most Improved -

    Benson Middle

    Outstanding Achievement - Received "Excellent" rating every quarter for the 03-04 school year.

    Cleveland Elementary
    East Clayton Elementary
    McGee's Crossroads Middle
    Meadow Elementary
    River Dell Elementary
    West Johnston High

    Master's Club (Year 1) - Received "Excellent" rating every quarter for two years consecutively.

    AIG Center
    Administrative Annex
    Benson Elementary
    Central Services
    Cooper Elementary
    Corinth-Holder Elementary
    Facility Services
    Four Oaks Middle
    Glendale-Kenly Elementary
    McGee's Crossroads Elementary
    Micro-Pine Level Elementary
    North Johnston High
    Princeton Union
    Riverwood Elementary
    Riverwood Middle
    Selma Elementary
    South Campus
    South Smithfield Elementary
    West Clayton Elementary
    West Smithfield Elementary
    Wilson's Mills Elementary

    Master's Club (Year 2) - Received "Excellent" rating every quarter for three years consecutively.

    Polenta Elementary
    Selma Middle
    South Johnston High

    Master's Club (Year 3) - Received "Excellent" rating every quarter for four years consecutively.

    Clayton Middle
    Cleveland Middle
    North Johnston Middle

    "This group of custodians is the most hardworking and professional in this state*and country," said Allen Vann, Director of General Services for the Facility Services Department. In turn, the Head Custodians presented Vann, who planned and facilitated a recent "Troopers' School" staff development retreat for the staff, with a certificate of appreciation for his dedication and commitment.

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