Headlines from a Mathematically Literate World

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Wayne Stollings, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member


    Our World: Market Rebounds after Assurances from Fed Chair
    Mathematically Literate World: Market Rebounds after Regression to the Mean

    Our World: Firm’s Meteoric Rise Explained by Daring Strategy, Bold Leadership
    Mathematically Literate World: Firm’s Meteoric Rise Explained by Good Luck, Selection Bias

    Our World: Gas Prices Hit Record High (Unadjusted for Inflation)
    Mathematically Literate World: Gas Prices Hit Record High (In a Vacuous, Meaningless Sense)

    Our World: Psychologists Tout Surprising New Findings
    Mathematically Literate World: Psychologists Promise to Replicate Surprising New Findings Before Touting Them

    Our World: After Switch in Standardized Tests, Scores Drop
    Mathematically Literate World: After Switch in Standardized Tests, Scores No Longer Directly Comparable

    Our World: Controversial Program Would Cost $50 Million in Taxpayer Money
    Mathematically Literate World: Controversial Program Would Cost 0.0001% of Taxpayer Money

    Our World: Proposal Would Tax $250,000-Earners at 40%
    Mathematically Literate World: Proposal Would Tax $250,000-Earners’ Very Last Dollar, and That Dollar Alone, at 40%

    Our World: Poll Finds 2016 Candidates Neck and Neck
    Mathematically Literate World: Poll Finds 2016 Predictions Futile, Absurd

    Our World: One Dead in Shark Attack; See Tips for Shark Safety Inside
    Mathematically Literate World: One Dead in Tragic, Highly Unlikely Event; See Tips for Something Useful Inside

    Our World: Local Heat Wave Seen as Sign of Global Warming
    Mathematically Literate World: Local Heat Wave Not Seen as Meaningful Indicator of Global Trends

    Our World: Veteran Baseball Player Enjoys Breakout Month
    Mathematically Literate World: Veteran Baseball Player Enjoys Transient Good Fortune

    Our World: Market Share for Electric Cars Triples
    Mathematically Literate World: Market Share for Electric Cars Rises to 0.4%

    Our World: Still No Scientific Consensus on Global Warming
    Mathematically Literate World: Still 90% Scientific Consensus on Global Warming

    Our World: Rates of Cancer Approach Historic High
    Mathematically Literate World: Rates of Surviving Long Enough to Develop Cancer Approach Historic High

    Our World: Hollywood Breaks Box Office Records with Explosions, Rising Stars
    Mathematically Literate World: Hollywood Breaks Box Office Records with Inflation, Rising Population

    Our World: Economist: “Eliminate Minimum Wage to Create Jobs, Improve Economy”
    Mathematically Literate World: Economist: “Eliminate Minimum Wage, then Pray Our Model Has Some Basis in Reality”

    Our World: Average Football Player Earns $3 Million, Lasts 4 Years in NFL
    Mathematically Literate World: Average Football Player Earns $0 Million, Lasts 4 Years in High School

    Our World: Politician Promises to Fund Math Education
    Mathematically Literate World: Politician Promises to Fund, Meddle in Math Education

    Our World: Illegal Downloaders Would Have Spent $300 Million to Obtain Same Music Legally
    Mathematically Literate World: Illegal Downloaders Probably Would Not Have Bothered to Obtain Same Music Legally

    Our World: Unemployment Rate Jumps from 7.6% to 7.8%
    Mathematically Literate World: Unemployment Rate Probably a Little Under 8%; Maybe Rising, or Not, Can’t Really Tell

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