I made the mistake of posting on-line that I was looking for health insurance quotes on an insurance website. I mistakenly thought I would get a few emailied responses that I go browse through. Instead, I've been getting a ton of calls from every insurance sales rep under the sun. Of course ... each sales person says I should trust them because everyone else is just trying to push the health insurance that pays the best commissions ... so in the end I don't trust any of them. For those of you who are self employed ... what insurance plans have you found to be the most reasonably priced with the best benefits? I have a family of 4 ... two healthy adults (for the most part), a 9 yr old and a 13 month old. I currently have a Cigna PPO and I will be using Cobra this month ... but I hope to chose a more cost effective plan soon. In addition to health insurance ... I'm also in need of a decent dental insurance plan. Thanks for Your Help
We have Blue Cross Blue Advantage as well. They have many different options with different prices, so you can choose what is best for your family and situation. We've been happy with them. I haven't found a dr yet that I couldn't use because most of them are contracted with BC/BS. We don't have dental, so I can't help you there. I've found that most of the dental plans out there that you have to pay for yourself aren't worth having. They only pay a portion of anything more than a check-up and after paying the high premiums and deductibles, they really don't cover that much. We just started putting a certain amount in our savings each month for dental and pay out of pocket. So far we have come out ahead each year when I've figured out what it would have cost us in premiums, deductibles and the uncovered portions. Having said that, Blue Advantage does have a dental plan available. You just have to make sure it is worth it for your particular situation.
BCBS -- we have been with them for 10 years ...will say this you need to be prepared for substantial yearly increases -- i do like that most doctors readily accept the plan and i don't have to have preapproval to see a specialist...but our insurance cost has increased substantially over that 10 year period and we are very fortunate in that we rarely have claims so that is not the reason---
We have Assurant Health and have for years. I never use my insurance, it's in place just incase I break myself into 50 pieces. :? HIGH deductable but 100% after that.
I use BCBS Blue Advantage also. I love them. I tried someone else one time (Celtic) and I got so many bills because they only covered a percentage of everything and then decided it was just better for me to go back to BCBS. I never have a problem finding Dr.s that accept them either. Good luck with your search!
BCBS here too. Whatever you do, DON'T even consider any insurance that asks you to sign up as a member of an association so you can get the special rates- it's a load of BS. We listened to a sales rep for one of these companies, at first it all sounded GREAT, too good to be true in fact. And it was. We paid an application fee and then called the rep later in the day to tell her to please cancel the application as we had changed our minds. She tried to convince us to go through with it, but we insisted. She said she would cancel the application and tear up our check. I called the bank and put a stop on the check, just in case. Guess what- those )(#$%!@((@ idiots tried to cash the check!!!1 If there had been any question about their credibility- there was no question now. The company we dealt with was Mega Life and Health, a "division" of Mid-West National Life Insurance of Tennesee (huh?)..... I would avoid them like the plague. Kel ps- here's a link or two to check out about these guys (there are plenty more): http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/189/RipOff0189526.htm http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/04_37/b3899076_mz021.htm