Where is the best place to find girl's Heelys ( you know, the silly tennis shoes with the roller skate built in ) ? Dick's at White Oak only has a couple of styles and not the ones my DD has in mind. Short of combing the mall, is there anywhere else? What about the outlet stores in Smithfield? I know I could buy online but I've heard the sizing is a little strange so I'd rather be able to buy and return to a store if there is a problem. Thanks !!
There is a place at the outlet mall over near where the book store used to be. Can't think of the name . . . Suncoast? Sun something?
Please just don't let you child ride on these things in the middle of the grocery store and any other crowded place with no regards for others. I see kids with these zooming up and down the stores with no concern for anyone else that may be trying to shop. It is just disrespectful. Sorry climbing off the soap box now.
Even worse is the parent who lets their child run over other kids, adults, etc,,,and when junior has an accident and falls on a sidewalk,,parents want to sue... No more appropriate for wear in crowded places than roller blades or skates or even a pogo stick..
I'd have to agree. Bystander, please don't take offense to these negative comments, because they are derived from experience with the general public. These shoes are a bad idea. Would you let your kids rollerskate through Food Lion?
The SHOES are not a bad idea.................inconsiderate kids and parents are. I personally get a kick out of seeing the kids on them, but that's just me.
Yep, I saw it in a restaurant not too long ago...the kid wiped out and hit a table; the parents acted as if it was the restaurant's fault for having a table there. What a mess...a screaming kid in the middle of all of it... They are cool though...lol...just not appropriate for anywhere but outside!
I'm not sure where you find them and I hate to be mean... but... if your kid comes flying toward me, I'm NOT moving. :twisted: AND if your kid smashes into me, expect me to whop him/her and you! :mrgreen:
look online at Sporting Authority's website (I think that's the name of the store). BTW, I agree with the previous opinions. We bought our DD a pair, but she knows that she cannot roll anywhere but the driveway...with a helmet. She's 7, so we'll see how long THAT lasts.