Help from moms: Potty training

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Pwoods, May 20, 2013.

  1. Pwoods

    Pwoods Well-Known Member

    Warning: This is a potty training thread and there will possibly be some frank and quite gross topics herein. Be advised.

    Tried everything up to this point, but having trouble getting my child to "poop on the potty".

    Our 3 year old (almost 4) does fine with peeing on the potty, but is scared of more serious business. She will only do it in her diaper and has learned to hold it for very long periods of time if there is no diaper available. She went almost a full week without going one time.

    We have read the books, talked to the doctor, etc., but there is this fear of it that we cannot get past for some reason. She is on Miralax (doctor) to make it easier to "go" and that has solved any constipation issues. The best we can figure is she had a rash a year or more ago and the movements burned when it hit her skin. She seems to have held on to some of those memories and we are working on getting her to understand the logic behind this (pooping on potty actually prevents this).

    We have tried bribes with candy, toys, etc. We have tried pride, disappointment, etc. We have backed off for a few weeks.

    I am looking for some personal experiences with something similar that might give me some new ideas.
  2. JustAnotherMom

    JustAnotherMom Well-Known Member

    Hang in there, after four kids who had no issues with the potty, number 5 proved to be the challenge! She is going to be five this summer and has just in the past month started pooping on the potty. She would do the same thing, hold it unless she was in a diaper, hold it for days, etc. It will happen, I would let her go in a diaper, just so she would go and not hold it. One day all of a sudden she was on the potty and yelled 'I pooped', the full strength V8 fusion might have had a part in that :)

    I just backed off completely, when she went in her diaper I would tell her how much better it would be on the potty (while cleaning her) and just talk about it, but not suggest it, if that makes sense. Hang in there, she will eventually do it.

    For what it's worth, my dd is very nervous around anything new, I have a new respect for the word patience with her. No real words of advice, just know you're not the only mom to have faced this challenge :)
  3. Sdaanimal

    Sdaanimal Well-Known Member

    when our son was a toddler, he was diagnosed with encopresis and we took him to counseling. It made for difficult potty training, and bedwetting at the time. Maybe you could ask your pediatrician about it. Just sharing our experiences. :neutral:

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