Okay, I seriously hope someone can help... We are trying to install a transmission into a 2002 Oldsmobile Silhoutte. We have the transmission but we can't install it without a "lift". Does anyone have a shop or mechanic or just any advice at all that we can borrow the lift to get this thing in? Desperately need help... THANK YOU!!!
If you have a floor Jack, you can get a transmission plate that goes on it to help hold it. I have done many transmissions on the ground, I feel for you. Good Luck Dear. Dont know of any shops or people with lifts, but if I hear of any I will let you know.
Good luck finding someone who makes their living with their car/truck lift letting you come in as an insurance liability to use the tools he uses to make his living with.If every shop owner did that there would be no work for him to do..Chances are you'll be doing it on yourback in your driveway or yard like every other shadetree mechanic does.