Please Help!! A family who moved to the area earlier this month is desparetely searching for their beloved family pets. Their Golden Retriever (Peyton) and their Toy Black Poodle (Samson) were their kids before they had kids. Please PM me immediately if you have seen these dogs this morning. Their family loves & misses them very much. Unfortunately, the dogs do not have collars on. Peyton & Samson got out of the fence this morning around 8:30 am after the family took their other babies in for a doctors appointment. Peyton is a reddish color and looks more like an Irish Setter than a Golden Retriever. Please help add a little sunshine to this family's gloomy day. Payton & Samson live near the Wake/Johnston County boarder - near the crossing of Hwy 42& Hwy 50. One individual reported seeing the pair travelling near Chadbourne along Hwy 50 this morning after dropping her child off at school. Any help provided in getting Peyton and Samson back to their family would be greatly appreciated.