Help Please! This precious kitty needs a home - bad!

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by Dawn, Sep 15, 2008.

  1. Dawn

    Dawn Well-Known Member

    This precious baby has taken a liking to my front porch and has claimed it as his home. At first, there were two of them - him and his brother. I knew I needed to find them a home and yesterday, it was too late for one of them. Sebastian was hit by a car. Sampson, the one that is left - is one of the most loving, adorable animals that I have come across. Since Sebastian was killed, he won't even go 10 feet from the house. I need to find this baby a home. I would take him in - in a heartbeat but individuals in my family are allergic to cats. Sampson needs to find a home where he can be safe. I am looking for an individual who understands the responsibilities of pet ownership, will allow him to be an indoor cat, that likes cats that love to cuddle, etc.

    If you feel that you would be a good mom or dad to Sampson, please email me as soon as possible. I can't handle finding him hurt or possibly dead. He is a very special cat that wants a special home!

    If you live in the Clayton area, I can work with you on bringing him by to see him. He also gets along well with dogs that get along well with cats! My dog and him get along great.
  2. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Aww, he is so pretty. I wish I could have him.... darn allergies. :cry:

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