Help try to find this person.

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by raggy116, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. raggy116

    raggy116 Member

    I was coming home earlier today I was on Vinson road in front of the daycare and Powhatan School. There was a truck and a look to be black lab in the back. The man picks up the dog and slams him to the ground side ways. So I lock all four and back up and ask him what was his problem he says shut up and I ask him again and get the same response. He has his cameo on I figure he been hunting. He is highly agitated. So I ask him again what was his problem I get the same answer. I didnt get the plates. I call 911 it was only 2 minutes to the house. He didnt threaten me so they couldnt send out the animal control folks since the dog was not in immediate danger? I am switch over to a deputy he said it would be awhile before they could send so one over. I told him I'll go get his vehicle make and tags. He tells me not to do that. Ok How long will it before somone can get there. 20 OR 30 MINUTES. Well I didnt see a weapon but dove season opened today man in cameo with bird dog highly agitated and By the way he was on school property. LATE 30 0R EARLY 40S didnt want to take my eyes off of him. beard and thick hair.
  2. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    in cameo?
  3. raggy116

    raggy116 Member

  4. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Don't worry, typically he has little useful to add but if he gets a chance to correct someone (whether he is right or wrong) he will jump at it.
  5. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    Could have meant in a camaro, commie.
  6. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    I doubt he'd have been wearing his "camaro" if you look at the context of the sentence. Camo was kind of obvious. Poster already had stated this individual was in a truck.
  7. Palisade

    Palisade Well-Known Member

    The original poster said, "He has his cameo on..."

    My Mom used to wear a cameo. It looked something like this:

    My Mom also used to hunt.

    Now I can't say whether or not the man the poster was referring to was wearing something similar or not, he might have been. But who am I to judge?

    Last edited: Sep 4, 2013
  8. Lucky1

    Lucky1 Well-Known Member

    Just curious...what is your plan if you find this person?

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