Help with a potentially dangerous situation

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by That's What She Said, Jul 8, 2011.

  1. All,

    I just received the following PM:

    If you received this PM containing my personal info please have the decency to forward it to me. The above PM may be someone playing games, but if not I need to take action. I will not reveal the name of the person who forwards me the message. Thank you.
  2. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    didn't get it and have no idea if it is for real or not, a lot of that would depend on the sender IMHO but why did you post it on every board? If you post on the Discussion Board everyone has access to that. But i guess if you are freaking out over it, then i can understand going overboard. Good luck and i hope it is just someone funning with ya.
  3. Someone may want me to freak out over it, but I have feelers out. The person who should be freaking out is the person who sent either the info or the one who sent the PM if it turns out to be a prank. As receptionists well know, hell hath no fury like a regional manager from a mid-market paper company scorned. As for posting it on every forum, there are no rules against it that I am aware of.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2011
  4. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    i understand, if it is real i would be freaking too but you might want to remove the personal info about your occupation if you think it is a real threat. Like i said, i hope it is just someone funnin' with ya.
  5. I'm not freaked out over it at all. I can see how you might make that assumption, but I seldom get flustered. I already have a couple of good leads and also have the right people looking into it. I am completely confident that they will come through.

    P.S. As for the occupational information, it's an inside joke. Receptionists will get it.
  6. Allioop

    Allioop Well-Known Member

    If it is a prank someone has way too much time on his/her hands. :?

    If it's not a prank, I'd be freaked out.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2011
  7. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    All I can say is be careful. A few years ago, we found out someone had taken our photos & our family's story trying to profit from it. FBI was called in b/c the case was bigger than just ours. It was NUTS! Identity theft can happen, and it is not fun when it does. Though most folks know about us, I keep no pictures on facebook or forums. Good luck in your case & I do hope it is a prank though I agree w/ the one poster...way too much time on their hands if it is.

    Take care,

    Stephanie-- mom to 7 (soon to be 10!!!)
  8. Ima Sheltie

    Ima Sheltie Well-Known Member

    What benefit is there to posting an aerial of someone's home?
  9. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    Anyone can see an aerial photo of just about every home using google maps.
  10. Very true, but they would need the address. This person is giving out a link to my exact address along with my phone number and information about my family. I have a couple of good leads and the Webmaster has been very cooperative and assured me that he would help me get to the bottom of this.

    Thanks everyone!
  11. An open letter to "M"

    I understand how your spouse feels. I am also retired law enforcement. This harassment has been going on for a while now and your tip was just what I needed to finally get these fools. Let your spouse know that I have already taken his advice and based on the information you provided I have involved law enforcement and a lawyer. I really appreciate what you did. I hope you will be cooperative with the Webmaster if he contacts you. He can determine who sent the message which will in turn give me the info I need. Don't worry about deleting the message. Some people just can't get it through their heads that once you click that send button it's in cyberspace forever and IP addresses don't lie.

    You didn't do anything wrong, just helped out a "neighbor". I'm sure most here would do the same for you. Thanks in advance for your future cooperation. It's because of people like you that sickos get what they deserve. Take care, M.
  12. Ima Sheltie

    Ima Sheltie Well-Known Member

    Seems kinda childish.
  13. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Lol, I forgot Stinger already has accounts set up for when he is banned.

    Lather, rinse, repeat!
  14. I guess some folks just roll that way.

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