You see ads all the time, of people selling their pets. I even halfway understand selling purebred puppies and kittens, or charging an adoption fee to make sure they are going to a good home, but selling an older animal? I just don't get it. Here are a few examples: Someone explain the logic to me please?
I think they want to make sure that the animal is truly going to a good home. If you pay for an animal you are less likely to use it for experiments or abuse it?
In my heart I want to agree with you , but I have a feeling these people may just thing of them as "things" and not a family member
Ready, that sounds about right, lol. I think that people who "charge" like that are out for the $$ and not the welfare of the animal. Honestly, anyone with the $$ can take 'em home. I like the way 2nd Chance does it .