Here's a video that's made alot of rounds among my fellow LEO's. Some of you may have already seen it, so it'll be just a reminder. I show it as often as I can, especially to young people who think they're invulnerable. No matter how strong you think you are, you can't withstand the forces generated in a car crash. You won't be able to just hold onto the steering wheel and ride out the accident. Also, even if others in the car have their seat belts on, and you don't, you become a flying object that can injure your friends and family. I'm not sure what this guy does, but he may be some sort of taxi driver since he has the dash-mounted video camera. Nevertheless, the clip gets the point across. With the vacation season in full swing, let's remember to keep those seat belts on. The life you save just may be your own. Kent
10-4; I'm having technical difficulties for some reason. The link worked great on my personal email. I'll see what I can do. Kent
OK, the video's up now. The link I had was to a secure server at my office, but I found the exact same video on the web. Sorry for the technical difficulties. Kent