Homeless people?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by robbie, Oct 30, 2010.

  1. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    What is with these guys that stand outside Walmart 40/42 at the traffic light and pretend to be homeless to make some extra bucks. Now they are standing at the off ramp of the 40/42 and McDonald's light and now they have added a women to the batch. They are clean shaven and all hold the same sign, and I really have to laugh. But it is no laughing matter when they are fooling the general public. This is their job. I would give to them if I knew they were really homeless but you can tell they are not. They have been up there for 1/2 a year now. What can be done about this panhandling going on at the 40/42?
  2. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    I have called takers out in the past (to their faces) but usually make sure I have my facts straight before doing so.

    Do you know for a fact that they are not homeless?
  3. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    I don't know if they are homeless or not but my husband saw one of them get into a truck one day in the Walmart parking lot and drive off.
  4. smellarat

    smellarat Well-Known Member

    One of them parks at Cracker Barrell. fact.
  5. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    If you don't want to give, then don't give. I do not give money. I will provide a meal. If that's all it costs me, I spend more than that getting out of WM itself.

    I hope and pray that none of us are ever so unfortunate to have to do this to survive. Being homeless and hungry isn't that remote for many. It's probably not that far a stretch for some on here, or someone we know.

    Be grateful that you are in a position to not have to rely on this as a means to eat.

    If the guy is a ripoff, he'll find his karma. If he is not, we may find ours.
  6. cynadon

    cynadon Well-Known Member

    American Nomads. please be politically correct
  7. carolgilx

    carolgilx Well-Known Member

    I was just noticing the other day how there's one on every corner of the 40/42 area lately.
  8. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    One of the attendents at the Murphy's gas told me the guys wife picks him up and the guy has a nicer truck then the attendent. I think the whole lot of them are a bunch of fakers. But there are enough suckers stupid enough to give these people hand outs of money.
  9. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    We give a ziploc bag full of items. Items such as food, toiletries, etc. It's one of those good sized freezer bags. I will not give money just in case they are scam artists. There are truly homeless out there trying to survive. Have any of you seen some of the tents in the woods off of I-40? I can't imagine someone living there intentionally. It's by the Hess Station . That is a person I would give to if I had to. I've given to some of the ones on the 40-42 area b/c we live here but now I have my doubts. They did a thing a few years ago about some of the folks in Cary. DH works off of exit 287. Guy begs there all the time and makes $600 a day! Umm, not a bad hustle. BTW, this was a few years ago that the news stations covered it. And, they were not truly homeless. Sad, but a few scammers will ruin it for the ones who are truly in dire need. Giving to a homeless shelter may be the way to go.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  10. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Well I am sorry but if they are healthy enough to stand out there in the heat and cold and rain all day long, then maybe we should all just give them job applications to Walmart or any business in the area. You can spot a real homeless person, and I truly feel for them and I do donate to organizations for them.,,, But I am not a fool to give to these guys hanging around the 40/42 area. Funny because I saw one of the guy prentending to walk with a limp, and then when he walked far enough away from his backpack and the light turned green and he thought no one was looking, he walked quickly back to his starting post! ? So go figure!
  11. Smudger

    Smudger Well-Known Member

    30,000 cars a day and no overhead. Who is the fool here? That is a great business if you ask me. If I made that free and clear, I would fight anyone off my corner! What is with the karma comments, these guys are doing nothing wrong. Every time you go to the super mega store your money leaves the area at least this way it stays locally. Just some food for thought...
  12. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Sure, free and clear, no taxes, just cash under the table. It should be banned, really.
  13. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member

    I watched one with a green army bag loading all of his stuff into the back of a car parked in the McDonald's parking lot once. I didn't seen anyone else in or around the car. He looks like a legit homeless person ... so maybe someone was giving him a ride and they were just inside getting something ... or maybe he's just a really good scam artist trying to bleed caring, hardworking, sympathetic folks of their money. In anycase, it looked a bit suspicious to me. I hope these folks have a warm place to lay their heads at night ... but I've quit giving to these types of characters because so many of them aren't what they portray. I never see any of them walking the streets of the 4042 area ... they just seem to appear on the corners collecting money?? Kinda makes me think they really do live somewhere else and simply commute to their places of business/street corners in to make collections. Does anyone know the real story on any of these folks?? If they were truly need, I'd be glad to help.
  14. hhicshg

    hhicshg Well-Known Member

    For years I worked up above Crabtree and there were panhandlers out there at the exits from both directions with their signs, etc. When they first showed up it was between Thanksgiving and Christmas and the guy reminded me of my uncle. All I had in my billfold was a $1 and a $10. Well, I gave him the $10 and went on to work. When I got there one of the clerks was talking about it and she had given him $5. Another girl was very active in the ministry in her church and called her brother who went up there, in good faith, and offered the guy a job and a place to stay. The panhandler told him to get the H___ away from him and leave him alone. But the flip side of this story and the way I looked at it. This was when these guys first showed up...way before the write up in the paper. I gave to this person freely and with good intentions. If he was flim flamming me he is the one who will have it on his conscience. The last few years I worked right off mile marker 293 and there was a resident one there.
    There was one at Walmart today and when we went in, I thought he was smoking a cigarette. I figure if you in the shape where you have to be there to feed yourself and perhaps your family, then the smoke money should be put to better use.
  15. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    I have given food in the past and will again. I never give $$.
  16. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Don't they have to have a permit to stand at 40/42?

    ZUMBAbyMARIE Well-Known Member

    My Daughter wanted to give the man in front of Walmart her giant Slim Jim she had already taken a bite of so I gave the guy a dollar instead. When we drove by later he was smoking. UGH. I had hoped he would have spent it on food.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2010
  18. Tom Servo

    Tom Servo Well-Known Member

    Your DNC membership card has just been revoked! :lol:
  19. dgsatman

    dgsatman Well-Known Member

    There, but for the grace of God........
  20. Grammie

    Grammie Well-Known Member

    I know for a fact one of them is not homeless. He comes in where I work he is a regular customer is married has kids and a job.

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