My puppy is constantly biting himself. He doesn't have fleas or ticks but constantly bites his hair out. Anyone know what to put on his bald spots or how to stop him from going bald?
go to the vet. there's honestly a number of things it could be and not one thing is going to cover all your bases. could be a skin infection (if so he'd need antibiotics) could be allergies could actually have fleas and you're just not seeing them (are you putting on monthly flea prevention?) could even just be behavioral yaddayaddayadda really can't tell without seeing it
Turtle, The above poster is correct. Best off taking it to the vet. I started our skin odyssey in December and am just now seeing some resolution. At first, the vet was hell-bent that it was a flea allergy despite my assurances that we don't have fleas. Many tests and cultures later, it ain't fleas, LOL. An antibiotic seems to be clearing it up for the moment.