House fire in Archer Lodge area

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Savealot, Jun 1, 2012.

  1. Savealot

    Savealot Well-Known Member

    A house burnt down last week in a subdivision in the Archer Lodge area. Does anyone know anything about this?
  2. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

    there was two, one burnt completely up and the other had some major damage to the house, our church collected items for the girls of that one!
  3. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    What subdivision or road Sassy? Were they suspicious? I had not seen anything about it on the news. Do they still need help with donations? TIA
  4. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

    One was in Tafton and the other Buffalo Creek. Not sure about being suspicious or not!

    Not sure if they still need anything or not. I will try to find out and let you know. I know what child was in middle school the other in elementary not sure about the mom..
  5. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    Okay, thanks! Just thought it unusual that two would be in the same week and those were not too far apart, but then again, I hear the fire whistle go off all the time! They certainly stay busy in this area!
  6. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

    yes they do!!
  7. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    This isn't the one, it burnt the wrong way. The OP is asking about one that burnt down. :lol:
  8. Savealot

    Savealot Well-Known Member


    I was the OP. I don't know if there was anything suspicious or not about the house in Tafton. I have heard that there was something but I have not talked to anyone that really knows. I haven't seen it in the paper but Tafton is considered Wendell.

    The one that burnt in Buffalo Creek was that on the same week or night as the one in Tafton? The one in Tafton burnt completely up or down. There are neighbors on both sides of this house you wouldn't have thought that it would have burnt that much. I don't know though.

    I was just wondering about it someone told me they knew who did it, but you know how that goes.

    Thanks for any information.
  9. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    Tafton has a Wendell mailing address, but I am almost certain it is within the Archer Lodge town limits. If not within, then just outside the town limit.

    I have no idea what happened with either of these houses, I was just asking if any further help was needed for someone in my area. I am sure the sheriff's department would be interested in what you were told.
  10. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

    Yes they are within the fire district of AL, not sure on town limits? Maybe

    And yes I agree the SO would like to know what you have been told as I have no clue on how either fire was started just what was sent out through our church.

    I do believe they both happpened on the same weekend though
  11. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

    No it went up in smoke :jester:
  12. Savealot

    Savealot Well-Known Member

    I was just told that the same person burnt both houses. I have no idea how they know. I just think if this is true the neighborhood ought to be told something. I think both of these houses had people still living in them. Just wondering if the Glen Laurel arsonist had came to Archer Lodge?

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