From 1270wmpm: Former Councilman Charged With Embezzlement - For the third time in his life, Tommy Harvey Landen is facing embezzlement charges. The former Dunn businessman and city councilman has been charged with embezzlement in connection with his job as a sales manager of Day-Lee Chevrolet in Bethel . Day-Lee Chevrolet is partly-owned by former Harnett County Sheriff's Office Chief Deputy Ricky Day. Day said he hired Landen when Landen approached him about a job, but became suspicious about financial irregularities and confronted Landen, who resigned. Police launched an investigation and arrested Landen. Landen is currently on probation for stealing $153,000 from Sampson-Bladen Oil Company, the fuel provider for the gas station and tire center Landen owned in Dunn. Landen was also convicted of attempting to burn that business down the day before financial papers were due to Sampson-Bladen Oil. In 1994, Landen was convicted of embezzlement after he stole $87,000 from the Dunn Shrine Club while serving as its treasurer. He was a Dunn City Councilman at the time of the conviction.
They should have done a criminal background check!! People.... :roll: :roll: :roll: just make me sick