How much does a Deposition cost?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by InNeedOfHouseRepair, Aug 3, 2007.

  1. Does anyone have a ballpark figure?
  2. claytonian

    claytonian Well-Known Member

    Deposition cost...

    There are several factors that will drive a fee up - do you mean just the court reporter fee; are you taking an attorney with you, are you involved in a case where many depositions will take place and are responsible for the deponent's time spent in a deposition. If it's the court reporter bill, I've seen court reporter bills from low hundreds to the highest one of $1,900. The more time you spend in a deposition, the higher the bill. I always feel sorry for the plaintiff whose attorney is deposing someone else's expert and takes forever, dragging the questions out as payment for that expert's time or court reporter comes out of the proceeds a plaintiff may obtain during settlement.
  3. Thank you.

    This is what I'm told by the person being deposed.

    Plaintiff will have the Attorney there the whole time.
    Do they pay attorney by the hour or is it a lump sum?

    He was told to keep open 6 hours (more or less)?

    Person being depsosed attorney is charging him by the hour to be there.

    What fees does the plaintiff incur?
    Thanks for your response, and your ballpark figure on what it's going to cost the plaintiff.
  4. claytonian

    claytonian Well-Known Member


    It sounds like the deponent is neither the plaintiff nor the defendant. If that is the case, the deponent's atty would charge by the hour (at least our attys would do that - they are accountable for their billable hours so if they are out of the office 6 hours, they need to recoup the time they could have billed somewhere else). Usually what happens is that the plaintiff will work out an agreement with his/her atty; some have contingent fees where atty recoups costs they fronted and take a percentage for attys fees.
  5. Claytonian -
    Sent you a PM!
  6. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    It actually depends on the attorney and the court reporter. My most expensive thing about my deposition I requested for my ex-wife was the court reporter.

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