Don't know this person but just because he cannot spell does not mean he isn't awesome with his hands. God gives us all different gifts.
He has been posting on the 4042 classifieds for a while now. If I had something for him to do, I'd call. He seems to have a willingness to work, unlike some other people I know (not ya'll) :wink:
It just looks like a couple of typos. OK, 3, unless he really wants to build you a desk instead of a deck He did make the same mistake twice in vinyl, but it is just a letter transposition. At least he's not yelling.
Yeah, if I was a professional at something I would at least hope to be able to spell that profession correctly!!!!
It's always a good idea to do a background check on an individual before you hire them to do anything for you. In the case of this particular individual I'm very glad I did just that. I wouldn't want this person anywhere near my property or family. Here's why: See what I mean?
Thanks! IdidIt for posting that. I mean it's not like he screwed up one time....he has a lifetime of crap on his record. No thanks. I'm not going to be the one to give him his "second chance"....
Well you are more than welcome to hire him. I am sorry, but I think once a thief always a thief, and I don't want him anywhere around my house or family. Good luck to him.
This day and time you really don't know who is who (even people that don't have a record). The truth of the matter is some of us get caught and some of us got lucky but none of us are free of faults. Although most of us act as if we are. For example, would you feel secure about hiring someone who works for the CIA by day and handyman by night? I would say most of us would.
Give it up. There are certain people who just will not accept that a person can change their life around. That type of person is one reason some of the criminals stay criminals. I made a stupid mistake 30-odd years ago (mini-mart and $24.00), but to this kind of person, I'm still, and always will be, a criminal.
Actually "That type of person" was referring to Beezor. No, it's not all their fault. However, the attitude of "once a criminal, always a criminal" has certainly caused many of those who have made mistakes in their past to continue to do so for lack of an alternative.
No one is saying that the person who committed the crime isn't responsible,nor that they shouldn't take responsibility. But where does it end? If a person commites a crime, and does their time, at what point do the Beezor's of the world finally accept it? To them, it's never. By Beezor's own words, "once a thief always a thief." No matter what I do, because of one stupid mistake I made 30-odd years ago, I will always be just a half a chance away from committing another crom to Beezor. Forget the fact that my crime was more than half my life ago. Forget the fact that I used my time inside to better myself, get out and get a good job (and probably make more money in one week than Beezor makes in a month). Just the fact that I was convicted of a crime means, to Beezor, that I will commit another crime. To use the current platitude, "It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when." How would you like to be still held accountable for things you've said and done that you have atoned for? Have you ever gotten a ticket for speeding? Then let's take your license away, since you'll just speed again.