hold hands with your SO.. I was listening on the radio this morning and that was the topic! So I started thinking, we hold hands in the car/truck when we are out walking around and sometimes when we are watching TV...
we do not hold hands as much as we used to but i do love to.....when i am not throwing something at him. LOL!
We hold hands in the truck when we're driving, almost always. Sometimes in a store, depends on how fast we're trying to get outta there, lol.....
My wife holds my hands a lot. Then she usually says something like "stop, I'm trying to cook supper".
My DH and I hold hands all the time unless one of us has to push the double stroller and we sometime hold hands in bed unless he is grabbing something else
Ya'll are making me feel bad, we are not "hand-holders" as a rule, more so when we were young and child free. I guess I am just not that much of a "touchy/feely" person. But our 17th anniversary is coming up, so we must be doing something right. :lol:
Holding hands is such a simple but wonderful sign of affection. I love seeing elderly couples holding hands. I think it's the sweetest site!
We hold hands. And when one's hands are busy the other will hold their shirt tail just so the busy one knows the other is wanting to.
an elderly friend of mine shared this with me: He and his wife were walking in the hospital, holding hands and someone commented 'how sweet, the two of you still hold hands' and he said, 'not really, we're just holding each other up'. :lol:
my wife and I used to hold hands all the time. Then she asked me to move out. Now I don't hold anyone's hand. I can't speak for her.
Still holding hands, but my bride's not sitting next to me any longer since we don't have bench seats in the van or my truck. Those bench seats were nice in the old days for allowing your sweetie to snuggle up close. Anyone remember SOB curves in the road? As in Slide Over Baby! How about cars/trucks with one head light out? Always good for a kiss!!