How to remove a tick from your body - good video

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Kent, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

  2. garnet

    garnet Well-Known Member

    That's a very good video. As a Lyme advocate in Johnston County, it's very important for proper tick removal. Recently a new product has been produced called Tick Ease - and it's a tick removal tool with sharp pointy tweezers on one side and a scoop on the other. If you google Buy Tick Ease, you should be able to find it.

    I will say that while it is not an emergency - IE - you can take the time to get the proper tool - there has been research done that shows the bacteria can be transmitted much faster than the 24 hour rule that this gentlemen suggests. Either way, proper removal reduces the risk of transmission -

    Protect yourself. :)
  3. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    so you are not supposed to just grab hold of it and snatch it off?
  4. Doc Savage

    Doc Savage Member

    As the OP and garnet says, it's a good video that explains it pretty clearly.
  5. garnet

    garnet Well-Known Member

    "Grab & Snatch" is definitely not the way to go. Neither is burning, yanking, twisting or smothering it with any type of chemical while it's in your body. Unless your goal is to get it to vomit in your blood stream, then by all means - go right ahead. ;)

  6. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

    I found 2 ticks about three weeks ago after working in yard. Removed them as shown in the video. They left red marks on me that are still there today. No other side effects. How long does it take for these red marks to go away?
  7. garnet

    garnet Well-Known Member

    The red marks are likely an reaction to the saliva and the bite itself - However, I'd recommend going to your doctor to double check. Glad you have no other symptoms. Hopefully it's just a reaction to the bite.

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