I have a better idea.........

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by God'schild, Nov 1, 2007.

  1. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    I've read through and responded on some of the religious posts that came up today. And while questions are asked and people TRY to answer them as best they can from their heart, people will always find fault with it. And that is fine. But it also shows that they are are the ones who are not really wanting to know, but rather argue to try and bring the Christian faith down because of bad experiences or run-ins with fakes or argue for the sheer sake of arguing. So I challenge them:

    If you want someone to help you understand and truly want to understand, listen and learn and line it up with the bible. And also, which actully should be first and foremost, ASK GOD HIMSELF. He listens. But you have to be willing to listen too. And don't go to Him with insincerity cause He WILL know it and you may not get the answer at all.

    And to the ones who like to just be..........trouble....Go on with your bad self. There comes a day, buddy......there comes a day...all for you....;)
  2. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Not interested in becoming a Christian, but am fascinated by observing you folks.

    I hope I do not come across as tearing your beliefs down, but would like you to become more understanding of those folks who do not follow your beliefs.
  3. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    Ken quit using words like that, I have to google to understand what you where talking about...

    God's Child I think you are looking at this the wrong way, god teaches us to except all people no matter who they are or what they believe. You can lead my example but putting others down or talking down to them is not the way to do it.. I dont agree with alot of things that people say or do but I except them for who they are and what they bring to my life and my the knowledge I gain. My faith is strong and no one can take that from me and my friends know where I stand but I do not turn my back on them or put the down or tell them they are going to hell for not believing the way I do. They must answer for themselves when they get to heavens gate I must answer for me and only me.
  4. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Everytime Ken posts, Google's stock goes up!
  5. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    LOL true
  6. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    LOL, I actually had to Google that word myself:mrgreen:
  7. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    I wasn't putting anyone down. Why do people think that when a Christian talks about their faith, they are downing everyone else. That is simply no the case here. I do except all people for who they are. Where did you get that I didn't? As a Christian, I must defend myself. I have never turned my back on anyone or talked down to anyone. If I came across that way, I am sure it was taken out of context.

    Contrary to popular belief, all Christians are not the bad guys here. I think I have been rather cordial in my statements. If you knew me personally, you would feel much differently. ;)
  8. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

  9. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Because most times they are. No offense intended, please, but it has been my experience that, when a Christian begins prosthelytizing, somewhere in the first five minutes of speaking, they invariably tell the subject that, if they don't believe the way that particular Christian does, then they will go to 7734, period. Telling anyone that they are wrong, or that the things they do or believe are evil is commonly accepted as putting them down.
  10. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    i think it's because most, even those who aren't trying to do so, end up saying something along the lines of "i don't care if you don't believe, i'm not the one going to hell". no, you didn't use those exact words, but pretty close...."there comes a day, buddy". same thing.
  11. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    Well, that was not what was meant......The day will come when you MAY and I mean MAY for all those who think I am trying to "push" it on people, that you will have no where else to turn and God will be there waiting for you because he loves you and wants to be a part of your life and help you. Why didn't anyone see it THAT way? And it was meant for the ones who only want to cause an argument about it. Maybe if it was read in that particular context, it would make more sense. When myself or anoth Christian person states something here, before you go and "assume" you know the context, re read and be sure and think, "hey, maybe they meant this another way." If people did that in all areas of discussion, there sure would be alot less fussing.
  12. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    this to me is not a true statement... why must they be trouble if they dont agree with something you say or I say for that matter.. according to you after reading all the threads this is what you consider them to be...
  13. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    sadly, i guess you just don't see it. you pretty much just did it again, only you reworded it. "may". well, there MAY come a day when the test to get into the afterlife is whether or not you've ever....

    fill in the blank. to those who don't believe as you do, what you filled in the blank with is just as valid or invalid as whatever anybody else comes up with. the difference is that if it was something inert like "rode a bike" people would blow it off because it doesn't carry all sorts of innuendo that comes along with the simple statement of answering to "god". the god thing adds so much connotation about right and wrong and good and evil and wicked and devine. it's alot like politics. when you attack someones politics, you're not just attacking their stance on an issue, but rather their entire belief systems and what in their mind makes them, fundamentally, themselves. people don't like it when you insult them down to the cores of their very beings
  14. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    A very insightful comment. Thanks.
  15. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    The more dangerous assumption is that all people actually believe in God, or even the concept of religion. Sure, many, if not most, do believe this. However to assume that everyone believes as you do and if they don't...by golly, they'll be smote is arrogant.

    How about we keep religion in churches and in homes and out of public life?
  16. blessed

    blessed Well-Known Member

    I don't see where there was anything isnsulting about the comment. What was Gods'child supposed to do, say that everything and anything is ok and that he or shes agrees with whatever anyone believes and thinks? What if he or she doesn't? Don't YOU have YOUR own opinions?

    I believe God'schild is stating his or her stance on the issue, like ALL OF US DO, and was only trying to HELP people understand it. If you feel like your being insulted, maybe you need to recheck yourself.
  17. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    "I'm right and you're wrong" is hardly ever the beginning of a conversation. It is more likely to end a conversation, even before it begins.
  18. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    I just figured that maybe people might actually see what I meant instead of jumping to the defensive. No, no one here is a mind reader, but even I read posts a few times before I make a call on what they meant and post anxiously. All I am asking for is a little consideration, as anyone deserves. I can accept what others feel or believe and I would like the same acceptance. In my opinion, to placate some, people who speak from a Christian view ARE scrutinized more so than anyone else about what they say. But all people are different so you shouldn't assume that all people of one faith preference are all the same. That's all!

    Now, you all have a wonderful evening!!!!
  19. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    I like to think of it as explaining. I never told anybody what they should do as in pushing it. I explained how it works for Christianity. Those who want to know will take it as information to make their OWN choices. Those who don't can disregard it.
  20. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    i was speaking as an objective observer, and responding specifically to this comment by god'schild:

    i think i explained it pretty well actually. if someone started telling you that your belief system was stupid, and you'll find out pal, you'd feel insulted, too, and to try to deny it is not being honest. it's why most people shouldn't engage in discussions about race religion or politics. these topics are rooted in one's core and base system of thinking. indirectly, when someone tells you that you are on the wrong side (according to them), someone is telling you that your most personal beliefs are invalid. for most people, that's hard to hear. it causes defensiveness as an almost involuntary sense. it's a defense mechanism. it's survival mode.

    i was merely trying to provide a good answer to her question. i didn't say i was insulted. i was explaining to her why "people think" in general, and might feel insulted.

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