I bet some one here can answer me this.. I got out tank filled on Monday - today it shows 80% full. I didn't check it on Monday so he may not have filled it completely... that's not it... The valve/knob thing circled in the pic below was loose. Is it supposed to be loose? Should I tighten it? Will my house explode if I have already tightened it? :shock:
ns, that appears to be the cap/cover for the fill valve. as long as you are just hand tightening it, I don't see a problem. Not sure about yours, but my tanks (even on the RV) have a OPV-Overflow protection Valve that prevents filling more than 80% to allow for expansion in heat. Regardless, I would call the gas company who filled it and ask. And ask them to remind the delivery person to check his work. Good thing you got it filled now, when prices ar lower than the winter time...