I know you regulars don’t really like folks who lurk here and don’t post but here goes…. I have been coming to this site as stress relief from my very intense job and I love reading your discussions. For me it has become almost like watching a soap opera because of the regulars. I love Cleo, KellBell, Crazy Fab, HG, Tassy, Kaci, Hught, Devilock, Server Snapper and the rest of you who show up on a daily basis. I just felt like I have been getting my entertainment for free without saying thank you! So THANK YOU all for making my day a lot better! OK hope this doesn’t seem creepy…. :lol:
STALKER ALERT! :lol: Just kiddin' unless you really are a stalker - then :boxing: :lol: Well, we SHOULD be working and not playing all day. :?
LMAO:lol::lol::lol: you are very welcome, glad we can lighten your day (this place does the same thing for me):lol: Go ahead and join in sometimes, new folks are always welcome and i mean that sincerely from most of the regulars.
awwww, thanks for that Suzie Q.!!! nice to know there are some who enjoy the light hearted (mostly) fun we have here on a daily basis.....helps me get through the day too! Hope you'll come out of 'lurkdom' and join in!! You know we are harmless (most of us ) :grouphug:
Kumbayah!!!!! :ack: :lol::lol::lol::lol: WELCOME NEWBIE!!! Don't let anyone scare ya away. And now that we know you're listening it's $5.00 a day or $1.00 for every laugh, whichever is higher :mrgreen:
I love this place too. Makes my day go by faster. I will just bust out laughing and my boss will ask me...."are you on 40/42 again??" It's a real hoot in here! I go home everyday from working talking about something on here. I know my DH has to be tired of hearing my stories!
me too!!! everyday I go home talking about you nuts on here.....he thinks we are funny too! :mrgreen: