Hey folks, I just read a great article and I emailed it out to all my friends and family as follows. I wanted to share it with all on here as well because I know many have small children and/or grandchildren. I'm going to simply paste my email in here so that if you wish to, you can copy and paste it into your own email which you can then send out to all of your friends and family. I just think it is SO very important. It can't be overstressed. I hope you will take the time to read the article and pass it along. Thanks from mommiesaidno ........................................ Hello friends & family, I found this article (link below) to be a great reminder of how important it is that we, as parents, take the small amount of time out to teach our children how to protect themselves. The article speaks of how many a child has been spared simply because they had parents who took the time to teach them some simple steps and rules. What about the child who finds himself/herself in this situation and is terrified and has no idea how to react. What happens to them? Will that child be my child or your child? As the article states, we want to be there to protect them always, but that is simply not possible. A predator will find a way and our children need to know what to do if it happens to them. I had to ask myself if all of my children would really know what to do if someone they trusted and had been told to treat with respect were to touch them in an inappropriate manner. We will be having more conversations on the topic in our home. PLEASE...take the time to read this article. Also, BE SURE to read response #4 to the article from Jamie. She is correct, it could happen to any of us. AFTER you read the article and response(s), SHARE THE LINK. Perhaps you have a friend who will "talk" to their child because you sent the article to them. And just maybe, that talk will save a child from the horrible pain which comes from this kind of abuse. These are the kinds of emails which could really help many people/children when passed along. Thanks for taking the time to read this email and the article/response#4. My prayer is that it will help at least one child, maybe many more. http://www.raisingsmallsouls.com/preventing/