Hello every one! I am a senior at West Johnston and am doing a Senior project on 'Non-Conventional methods of controlling Kudzu.' But i do need a little help... I need a Kudzu Hay Bale. I know they exist, the question is where:roll: ?! Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you :-D -Kiddo
I have absolutely no information for you whatsoever, but I just wanted to say that it was an interesting topic.
Well kudzu is that crazy weed that takes over EVERYTHING!! ..lol And the hay bale part is just like a square bale of hay, around here they're usually circles though lol...thats the best description i can give...
ok, i knew what kudzu was. and i knew what a hay bale was. i wasn't sure if a kudzu hay bale was what i thought the two together would be or not. so, you're looking for a hay bale that got taken over by kudzu?
I suggest you contact Henry Edwards. He bales Kudzu. Then take a truck to Western N.C. and pick up a bale of Kudzu. Or you could just get all the Kudzu you want for free here in Johnston County. LOL http://www.maxshores.com/kudzu/
Yippie - I get to go get clipping! i so like the idea of getting a kudzu bale, (listen...sarcasm...) but I don't know if I want to go all the way to western NC.... but I do so love a road trip....