I need puppy help....

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by Pitbull_Lover, Jul 22, 2008.

  1. Pitbull_Lover

    Pitbull_Lover Member

    Hi Everybody!! How ya doing? Good I hope....Well earlier today I went on Craigslist.com and got a new free puppy that this man was giving away, Well he said she hasn't had her shots yet but she has been dewormed....Well her tummy is fat, Im not sure its from eating or whatever, but she was sleeping earlier and her tummy was moving in and out really fast...Could she have worms?? How can you tell if a puppy has worms besides seeing it when they use the bathroom??? I hope he didn't lie about deworming her!!!
  2. peaches

    peaches Well-Known Member

    I don't know about her tummy moving fast when she's sleeping but I would definitely make sure she is wormed if you have any doubts. I see that you are in Benson. I would take her to Vets for Pets on I-95 in Dunn, just a few miles down the road, exit 73. You don't need an appointment, but you may have to wait a while. Just walk in with your puppy. Dr Beretich can make sure she is safe and you won't have to worry. Please tell him she hasn't had her shots yet.
  3. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    Was she just breathing deep? Pups breath fast and deep! I dont think you can see worms from the outside. Even if you see worms in her poop, she could have been dewormed, the dewormer flushes them out. (a good check up is never a bad idea!)

    Congrats on your new baby.
  4. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Yep, my new puppy breaths like that when she's asleep..............and she has no worms, been checked twice.
  5. Cyndi

    Cyndi Guest

    I have a boxer/beagle mix and when she was a puppy she had a fat little tummy too! She also would breath really fast when she slept. She grew out of that after a few months. We were told that she breathing was normal. And as for the fat tummy...well i think some breeds are just like that. I would say though that if the tummy is "hard" when you press on it, I would get it checked out. That might be a sign of something else. Otherwise, it all sounds normal! :)

    Congrats though! And good luck! Puppies are just like babies! We were up at all hours of the night for the first couple months. :)

  6. irishluck

    irishluck Well-Known Member

    puppies need to be dewormed at least twice
  7. UR2L8

    UR2L8 Guest

    When the puppy wakes up, see how it acts. Fat tummies are a sign of worms, as well as irregular breathing. I had a similar situation happen to 2 puppies I got once from someone in a petsmart parking lot. They claimed to have dewormed them, but come to find out - they were in terrible shape. I took them to the emergency vet the next day (which was a Sunday) because one of the puppies was just not acting right. She seemed to be breathing irratically and was lethargic. Her tummy was so bloated it felt like it would pop. Turned out they both had worms, as well as bacteria infections. At first, they were concerned that one of the puppies might not it. But $1200 and 2 days later they came home and are very healthy happy dogs. Be proactive and things should be fine. Good luck with your new puppy!!!!!
  8. bostonredhead

    bostonredhead Well-Known Member

    Is she really just a puppy? Could she be pregnant?

    PS My puppy had supposedly been dewormed but had hookworms when I got her...
  9. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    Did you find anything out abut your puppy???
  10. Pitbull_Lover

    Pitbull_Lover Member

    About the puppy...

    Hi All...Thanks for the advice....I called the man back and he said that he did deworm all the puppies, well I dewormed her again. She has no signs of worms in her poop, Her tummy is still fat, but it's not hard, but she does eat alot and I mean alot!! She was on Pedigree because that's what the man said he started all the puppies on and she just loves it sooo much!!! She is very playful and energized, she shows no signs of being sick at all!!! I just love her sooo much!! We decided to name her Abby...short for Abigail....I am going to try and put a picture of her at the bottom but im not too good at that so it might not work...Once again, Thanks for the advice from everybody!!!

    Ok...so I dont know how to add the pic....I click on the add a image icon and something like http// comes up....The picture is saved on my comp, so im not sure how to get it there.....but she is adorbale!! She is a mutt, She is part blue tick and part rottweilder....
  11. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    You need to host the picture on the web, Photobucket is a good place for that. Just go to www.photobucket.com and follow the directions.
  12. Pitbull_Lover

    Pitbull_Lover Member

    I tried to post the picture using photobucket....

    I tried using photobcket to upload the pic....It was too complicated for me....LOL...But I do have one more question about her....She eats alot...Is that normal for a puppy?? She eats Pedigree and she just loves it!!!

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