That wind is whipping it up out there. The grass seed will not blow away but it does not need to be iced over either.
My hubby doesn't like the cold weather either, but I love it. He bundles up to go outside to smoke, and I walk out there behind him in my shorts, tshirt and no shoes. I think it feels GREAT!! :hurray:
Its very unusal for it to be this cold this soon, snow in the mountains, I hope this is a good sign for this winter!!
we had to do this last night as well, but knowing our crazy dog he has raked them all out by this morning!
we just loaded up the dogloo with new cedar chips, two bags....the big one smells like a gerbil in the morning. :mrgreen:
I hear that the ski resorts in western NC open this afternoon. This year I am actually looking foward to seeing snow.