Does anybody have any opinions regarding the summer camps at the Garner Ice House? If you don't have any info. regarding the camps there, does anybody have children that go there and do they like it?
I don't have any info on there summer camp, but my son would live at the ice house if I let him. He loves it. We have never had any problems with the staff or other people at all.
Hold old is your son? Mine is going to be 8 in a few weeks and we have never been there but he has really expressed an interest in learning how to ice skate.
He will be 13 in June, but he has been going now for about 3 years. He doens't take any of the lessons, but we go at public skate times. Like I said he loves it. He says he thinks it is easier than roller skating (which he also loves), but I don't know about that. Take your son out there, let him get out on the ice to get a feel for it. If he is unsteady or uneasy, they have these things to borrow that you push around on the ice in front of you to hold you up. I think once he is out on the ice, he shouldn't have a problem.
My 5 year old loves The Ice House. He thinks it's easier than roller skating. (He does do better on ice skates) I TOTALLY RECOMMEND WEARING A BIKE HELMET!!!!! We had a birthday party there (reasonably priced by the way) and one of the dads ended up in an ambulance with a concussion after falling and hitting his head on the ice. Fluke but still...helmet from now on for my little guy! DB's wife