Idea-- what is your take on it

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Abdulina, Feb 19, 2009.

  1. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Okay, my homeschoolers are studying government, community, etc. I want to teach them about what's going on around us locally. Not jsut the stuff they hear on the news. They were shocked when I told them people are out of work all over and there are NO guarantees anyone will have a job forever. I said folks around here need help. If there is no money, they can't buy food, etc. ORiginally, I just started out talking about businesses, marketing, how to sell, etc. So, they "created" a business and such. Mine love to bake/ cook. I wanted to turn it into something posititive and at the same time, teach them about community. So, they are going to do a bake shop, take pre-orders, etc. However, what we've decided to do is anything sold will go directly to basic needs ministry at 4042. Since they help the local community and that's what they are studying. So, is this okay to do do you think. Any rules or anything I'm breaking? Just curious b/c I don't want to get them going and then find out we can't do it.

    Here is the plan. We were going to send out flyers all over the neighborhood and see if any friends or family want to purchase as well. (pre-order stuff). Then, set up the "bake shop" one Friday for anyone to come by and make a purchase. Technically, a donation. Every cent we collect I told the kids would go to Basic Needs Ministry. That's what we decided collectively to do. Is this a good idea? Would we be in trouble for doing something like this? I honestly just want to teach my kids that you can help in your own community. We personally do massive fund raisers in the fall to send to their orphanages but would like to do something local as there are so many here going through rough times. Any thoughts on this idea? Good, bad, what do you think? I have a backbone so I don't mind if you all tell me it's nuts or a stupid idea. Just trying to tie some lessons in books to real life happenings in our community. Any input would be appreciated. We'd like to do this in March if we could. Thanks.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  2. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    Not really any input other than it sounds like a wonderful idea.

    I just wanted to tell you that you are amazing and an inspiration to alot of us.

    God Bless.
  3. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    yup... noble indeed...

    I remembered CakePrincess talking about a home bakery in the past and found this thread

  4. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Since this is just a one time thing, I won't have to do the whole health inspection thing, will I? It's kind of the same type of thing when churches have folks bring in stuff. They bake at home and then bring to the church to sell. Our kitchen is really clean as it was totally gutted & remodelled back a few months ago (before the bottom fell out of the economy--LOL). Equipment is fairly new as my mom bought us an oven for Christmas and mixer. One of my kids that is going to be doing most of hte baking is actually severe OCD in regards to cleanliness. Drives the rest of us insane--LOL. So, I know that things would be cooked & served in a clean environment for sure. Used to run my own restaurant. I just don't wnat to get in trouble for selling stuff and someone saying you shoul dhave had some health inspector go by. It's a one time small fundraiser. do you really think this will be a problem? I'm getting a bit worried now. Any others hear similiar things to that article that was posted? I'm thinking since it's one time, then no. But if we did this full time then of course we'd have to get an inspection. Dont' know. Anyone from county health board care to elaborate? I baked stuff years ago for our adoption fundraiser and we sold them in the driveway. No troubles there. Want to make sure this too is okay. If not, I'll just do a family and friends thing I guess. LEt me know if you guys find out for sure. I'm going to look some more into it. Thanks.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  5. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    Steghanie I really think you will be fine with what you want to do, like you said it's a one time thing. If you have no worries about animals or stuff like that in your kitchen they I would go for it.
    It's not a big deal when your doing something like that. What a great way to show the kids this type of lesson. My daughter just got done doing something with Social Studies and how the community comes together ect.
    She found it very interesting. She is loves stuff like that in school.
    Let us know how it goes or if you think of something else to do.
  6. cece

    cece Well-Known Member

    My daughter decided last summer that she wanted to do something to help Basic Needs food pantry.... She did a yard/bake sale. Between family and friends we gathered a lot of good stuff. We told Ron (from Basic Needs) ahead of time what we were doing so that he was aware and to make sure he was okay with what we were doing.... Of course he was thrilled as they are always hurting for funds.

    My daughters sale raised almost $600 and Ron stated that amount converted to almost $13000.00 in food (if I remember correctly). So, I think that is a great idea.
  7. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    I would definitely want to ask Ron if it was okay but wanted to see if the whole idea would be okay on here first before I went to him. I had no idea that $600 would equate to $13000 worth of food! Surely that would help. Hopefully, we can do what your daughter did. I know w/ these times more people need help. I'll keep you all posted for sure. Thanks everyone.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  8. cece

    cece Well-Known Member

    Yes, please keep us posted so that we can help support your efforts....

    Maybe, if you sweet talk Webbie he will let you advertise on here for free.... :)

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